Meet Dylan Mulvaney, The Trans Woman Who Is Documenting Her Daily Transition Journey

She has been so generous in sharing her story to the world and the world is embracing her with love and kindness!

Meet Dylan Mulvaney, The Trans Woman Who Is Documenting Her Daily Transition Journey

So many of the things we freely enjoy in our modern society are owed to the brave activists that have come before us. They fought for what was right despite facing insurmountable odds, still, they triumphed and we now enjoy the fruits of their labor.

The majority of what we see in mainstream pop culture is also derived from and inspired by the African-American and the LGBTQIA+ activists. We celebrate their contributions when it's commercialized by folks from other ethnicities but we look down on the people that originated them.

We have only started accepting people from the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly trans people. In fact, trans folks are still receiving a lot of unwanted hate for just existing.

They literally aren't doing anything wrong, they just want to be afforded the same rights that are freely given to everyone else. Yet, there is so much resistance to their fight for equality.

Who knew that advocating for equal rights for all people is such a controversial idea? The fight isn't over yet and the community will never tire of fighting for their right to exist and love who they choose.

We are hopeful that our society will eventually see that trans people are not the enemy. We've seen the needle moving our way from time to time — an actress, comedian, and a trans woman has been receiving a lot of positive reactions on social media.

Meet Dylan Mulvaney — she has been sharing her transition to her 2 million TikTok followers ever since she came out as a trans woman last March

When she was a young 4-year-old, she recalls running to her mother and telling her, "Mom, I'm a girl trapped in a boy's body. Help!" Her self-discovery journey has taken 25 years and she's now finally free to step into the woman that she's always been.

Meet Dylan Mulvaney — she has been sharing her transition to her 2 million TikTok followers ever since she came out as a trans woman last Marchdylanmulvaney

Her followers look forward to her daily transition updates on TikTok and other social media accounts

Her followers look forward to her daily transition updates on TikTok and other social media accountsdylanjamesmulvaney

Dylan says she has been blessed with an extremely supportive family.

She posted this photo on her Instagram account where she was dressed as Dorothy beside her grandmother. Even then she knew she wanted to be a girl or "some version of feminine" without society's preconceived notion of what being a woman actually means or looks like.

When her grandmother passed away, Dylan shared a conversation she had with her. Her grandma asked if she had a girlfriend and when Dylan stayed silent, she asked if she had a boyfriend and then reassured her that will have one someday.

Dylan says she has been blessed with an extremely supportive family.dylanmulvaney

Dylan's self-discovery has truly been a journey: she first came out as gay, then queer, then non-binary until finally realizing what she's always been: a woman

Dylan's self-discovery has truly been a journey: she first came out as gay, then queer, then non-binary until finally realizing what she's always been: a womandylanmulvaney

Coming out as a trans person in this day and age may not be that new but it's still definitely a brave step forward

Coming out as a trans person in this day and age may not be that new but it's still definitely a brave step forwarddylanmulvaney

Her pronouns are she and they

Her pronouns are she and theydylanjamesmulvaney

Dylan's mom told her that God doesn't make any mistakes. That amount of love and acceptance is precious.

Dylan's mom told her that God doesn't make any mistakes. That amount of love and acceptance is precious.dylanjamesmulvaney

Her video journals document every day of her transition journey where she documents what she learns during her transition

Her video journals document every day of her transition journey where she documents what she learns during her transitiondylanjamesmulvaney

Look at how happy she is shopping for HOT women's clothes with her friends

Look at how happy she is shopping for HOT women's clothes with her friendsdylanjamesmulvaney

Invisible ninjas were cutting onions when Dylan received her legal gender-neutral driver's license

To other folks, a government document affirming your sexuality may not mean much but for people in the LGBTQIA+ community, this is an incredible milestone. How close are we to achieving equality?

Invisible ninjas were cutting onions when Dylan received her legal gender-neutral driver's licensedylanjamesmulvaney

Dylan is a true girl's girl, she carries tampons with her to offer to other women who may need them!

Dylan is a true girl's girl, she carries tampons with her to offer to other women who may need them!dylanjamesmulvaney

The brand Tampax noticed her efforts and decided to collab with her. Get those coins!

The brand Tampax noticed her efforts and decided to collab with her. Get those coins!dylanjamesmulvaney

Dylan tells her followers to take their time discovering who they are; saying it's not a race but it is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life

If you are fearful of coming out, it's best to start sharing who you are with the people closest to you. Dylan is grateful that she received such a warm and genuine welcome.

Dylan tells her followers to take their time discovering who they are; saying it's not a race but it is one of the most important decisions you will make in your lifedylanmulvaney

The fight for equality is far from over but by simply living your truth, just like Dylan, you are fighting the stigma

The fight for equality is far from over but by simply living your truth, just like Dylan, you are fighting the stigmadylanjamesmulvaney

We are hopeful that other trans folks receive a warm welcome similar to Dylan's. Just look at her precious smile!

We are hopeful that other trans folks receive a warm welcome similar to Dylan's. Just look at her precious smile!dylanmulvaney

On her Day 38 Transition Journal, Dylan talks about the things she wants to say to her younger self. Watch the touching video below:

@dylanmulvaney Day 38- things I wish I could tell my younger self #trans #innerchild ♬ Night Trouble - Petit Biscuit

This is true, Dylan is uplifting one of the most vulnerable sectors of our society: the trans community

This is true, Dylan is uplifting one of the most vulnerable sectors of our society: the trans communityApril Brandon

An incredibly thoughtful gesture from an incredibly thoughtful person!

An incredibly thoughtful gesture from an incredibly thoughtful person!Lisa Voogd

She really is

She really isAnneli Curnock

Their happiness is undeniable!

Their happiness is undeniable!Rebecca Jensen

Dylan has her own community of loving followers who will support her every step of the way!

Dylan has her own community of loving followers who will support her every step of the way!Sarah Levy

Like her followers, we also wait for Dylan's daily updates! Her journey is one of the most touching human experiences we've had the privilege to witness.

We thank Dylan for opening her heart and her life to everyone. There is no doubt that she will help so many people to finally accept and live their truth.
