Toxic Parents Who Should Have Never Been Allowed To Have Kids In The First Place
You will be thankful for your parents after this.

There are many things in life we have absolutely no control over; after you are born, you either end up in a prosperous country or find yourself in poverty. You can only interact with the people that happen to be around you at the time and most of your life experiences will be limited to that environment.
You also cannot choose your parents and have to deal with them until you can financially support yourself and be independent of them. But until that day comes, you are under their roof and have to abide by their rules no matter how insane or illogical you may think they are.
Having toxic parents it's something that you can never escape; even after you become an independent adult, their toxicity still manages to follow you wherever you go. Toxic parents never stop thinking that they own you just because they brought you into this world, and they try to involve you in their bs whenever they get the chance.
Toxicity comes in all shapes and sizes, and we pretty much expect it and watch out for it on a daily basis. But when it originates from your parents, it's tricky to deal with.
1. "What a gem to wake up to after a 12 hour overnight shift"

2. "My grandparents have been sick with a “cold” since thanksgiving. They got re-tested for covid today and it turned out positive. My anti-vax mom wants to give them ivermectin."

3. "Who wouldn't want some Ivermectin for Christmas?"

4. "Burn in hell! Also, Merry Christmas!"

5. "Not my parents but my aunt's demanding my mother's ashes after wishing me a merry Christmas"

6. "All because I have 2 Christmas’s I have to go to and she call her family white trash"

7. "Being the bigger person is honestly so exhausting"

8. "Just had dinner with my mom, abuela, cousin, and two friends. Abuela and mom were feeling sick yesterday so mom got a rapid test today. This is how she decided to tell me."

9. "I synced my calendar with my mum and forgot I have my birth control implant replacement date marked 3 years from now. She saw it and texted me this while I was at work. I’m 20."

10. "Because his kid didn't do HOMEWORK?"

11. "I feel like this applies a lot for the parents on here"

12. "My mother dearest, whom my sister and I JUST let back into our lives, talking to my sister about her daughter (my niece). Behold the kind of person she is..."

13. "Does she think that talking to me like this makes me want to come home?"

14. "My moms blaming me for my brother not wanting her around his newborn twins. I cut her out of my life this year and my brother did years ago."

15. "I got in a dispute with my dad and he was trying to tell me that I owe him 30k. I decided I was finally done with dealing with him so I just ghosted him. Now he's saying hes gonna come and stake out my apartment."

16. "Never thought my mom was that insane but I guess Jesus is anti-metal straw. Sorry if it doesn't seem serious, I can't take anything seriously"

17. "Parents "react" to their 6 year old's report card for views"

18. "I definitely hope I can "indoctrinate" my children into believing in human rights"

19. "Essential Oils don’t work"

20. "mom just asked me for 600$ when i work a minimum wage job then tells me to stop spending ???"

21. "My mum is abusing our brand new security system"

There must be millions of other people who struggle every day from their parents' abusive behavior. Some people truly do not deserve to have kids; if someone is not completely stable mentally, they should not be allowed to have kids entirely.