Mom Of 11 Children Shows People on TikTok Just How Much Laundry She Has To Do
This mountain of laundry makes buying new clothes easier than going through all the washing.

Getting the laundry done is tough enough if you are solo in the house. Imagine how hard it is for this mom who washes the clothes of the entire family of 14.
So sorting out the clothes, putting them inside the washing machine batch per batch, and then remembering to take them out to place them in the dryer is kinda tough. That is why TikTok followers were horrified seeing the mountain of laundry this mom had to go through.
Britni Church wowed TikTok users by showing the amount of laundry her family has and to make it more interesting, their laundry was not placed in the usual hamper we all have. Instead, the family's laundry was placed on the father's pool table, folding table, and of course, the floor!
The pile of laundry was just too tiring to look at. The pile of clothes even went as tall as one of Church's children.
But this family is taking this horrendous task lightly. Instead of working on it at once, they spent time taking videos first.
Let's take a look at the snapshots of Church's TikTok videos and do let us know your comments below. Enjoy reading this post!
Please don't judge them
This is a picture showing a "portion" of the laundry. Maybe not even half of it.

And more clothes are coming
This is how laundry looks like when you have a family of 14. It's gonna take a lot of time folding them for sure.

Update on what's happening
And they have not started folding them. They are busy making TikTok videos.

Leave it first
One of the TikTok followers said to take a day off. Church is considering the suggestion.

She's trying to convince her husband
Church is trying to convince her husband that they won't notice the pile of clothes if she leaves it for a day. We can't blame her as we all would procrastinate if we see that kind of pile you have to work on.

Viral post
The moment of truth! This is when Church started to sort out the laundry and prepare them for folding.

All sorted and ready to be folded
People were wondering what happened to Church's mountain of laundry. So, she posted another TikTok video showing what the laundry looks like at the moment.

Whole day of doing the laundry
Church spent the whole day folding the clothes, and she is not even halfway done. They sure have a lot of clothes!

Done for the night
She's done for the night doing all of these clothes. We'll see if she will be posting an update again and we'll make sure to let you all know.

Don't judge her
She's trying hard to organize everything for a family of 14. So, please don't judge her.

Britni Church is one tough momma for sure. It's not that easy to manage a home of 14 members, let alone managing the laundry.
If you have the same experience, do not hesitate to share it. Place your comments below.
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