I’m 30, I’m flirtatious, I’m successful, I'm... hold up! It’s actually more like 30 is 30, stressed about money, and way too tired to leave the house after 9 o'clock.
After we hit 30, many of us come to the realization that while we're not exactly old, we can no longer stay up as late, and the best thing that's happened to us all month was when our brand-new vacuum cleaner showed up in the mail. It's intriguing to be in your thirties because everyone you know can be in a whole different stage of life.
While some people enjoy fulfilling work and own homes, others are coming to the realization that they despise their jobs and wish to change careers. While some people are getting married or having children, others are still single and don't have any immediate plans to settle down.
But if this collection of memes is any indication, everyone over the age of 30 is exhausted. The 30 and Tired Instagram account was created to make fun of all the amusing things that people in their 30s and older find themselves doing and thinking.
You can laugh with or at all of the worn-out adults in their thirties because we’ve compiled some of their funniest memes that sum up the millennial experience perfectly.
We hope you're enjoying this collection of millennial memes if you're older than 30, or even if you're older by more than 30 years. No matter what has occurred or is happening in your life right now, keep in mind that age is just a number.
You can be as witty as some 60-year-olds or you can be just as much fun as you were at 21.