35 Things That Are No Longer Enjoyable Because People Have Destroyed Their Authentic Charm And Purpose
The life cycle applies to everything.

Everything in this world has its own special charm. But when too many people find out about it, it often ends up ruined.
Sadly, but absolutely true. If something becomes extremely popular, it means it'll probably lose its authentical charisma.
We can't say that we, people, like to destroy things, but the fact is when there are too many of us in the same place, some changes must happen. It implies so many factors, but we must mention the immense noise, trash everywhere, and the most important among them - it's usually too crowded.
So, of one place that used to be so peaceful and relaxing, you get an overloaded popular destination that doesn't seem to own its appeal anymore. But this reality applies not only to tourist spots but literally to everything else.
It's like a vicious circle or, better to say, a life circle. Gaining and losing the power of attraction, popularity, and original charm has become a regular occurrence in the modern world.
Still, that doesn't mean that people don't care about it. So when a Reddit user asked the question: "What was ruined because too many people did it?" people massively answered and revealed what truly bothers them.
This thread got over 23.2k comments in no time, so it proves we really care about the world we live in. We have chosen some of their replies, and you can see them below.
1. Basically anything outdoorsy
"Basically anything outdoorsy. Hiking trails, National Parks, fishing spots, etc.
It's fun when you're the only person on the trail, the lake, or at the campsite. It's not so fun when you're hiking and someone is blasting their music on their Bluetooth speaker, when the lake is packed and people decide to fish 10 feet away from you and are obnoxiously loud, or you go to a National Park and there is graffiti and trash everywhere, random people's names carved into the largest and oldest trees on Earth, and mobs of tourists taking selfies in the middle of the trail. People don't know how to respect nature.
People don't appreciate silence. People don't know how to "leave no trace" or appreciate the natural beauty in the world around them."

2. Craft fairs
"Craft fairs. Now they're crowded with dozens of MLMs.
I just want to find knitted slippers made by an old lady who clearly has a drinking problem, not more Norwex."

3. Subscription everything
"Subscription everything...especially software. I want to buy Office/AutoCAD one time and use it for a decade.
I don't want to buy it every year."

4. "Declaring their pets as service animals when they are not."
"Thus making it extremely difficult for actual service animals to get their certification, or permission to be around to provide their service"

5. Tipping culture in America
"Tipping culture in America. I can justify a standard of 18-20% for good service in bars/restaurants.
Why the actual f**k am I being asked to tip 20-30%+ for carry-out to eat at home or when I buy retail goods?"

6. Streaming services
"Streaming services. I miss the days of one single service: Netflix.
Now every studio has its own service and holds its stuff away from services like Netflix and Hulu. Direct consequence: too many subscriptions!
At this point, it’s more economical to buy stuff you want to watch."

"ETSY - It's all resellers that run fake craft stores selling cheaply made junk. There's a handful of crafters on ETSY, and the rest is amazon resellers and cheap Chinese stuff."

8. Airbnb
"Used to love Airbnb years ago. Now, it's pricier than a lot of decent hotels, and some of the house rules are nutty."

9. Internet
"The internet. it might sound strange because on a surface level, it's richer and more accessible than ever, but the experience now is so much worse than what the early internet used to give you.
(yes, I know I sound like your crotchety old grandma)"

10. College
"College almost guarantees a good job and career. It is not the ticket it used to be.
Over, over, over-saturated."

11. Thrift shopping
"Thrift shopping."
charlesdexterward replied:
"Yup. 15 years ago the prices were soooo cheap and you could always find a gem. Now they’re always crowded and everything is overpriced and you might find something good once every 2-3 visits if you’re lucky."

12. Living in Iceland
"Living in Iceland got f****d up due to Iceland becoming a popular tourist destination. Prices are way up, housing has skyrocketed (lots of reasons, the big one being air BnB) and our nature monuments are slowly being eroded by dumbass tourists.
I'm a native, but I can barely afford to live here anymore."

13. Cooking shows
"Cooking shows. It used to be a few talented chefs who had shows to teach.
Now it’s every damn celebrity who can or cannot cook making the same recipes as everyone else."

14. Enjoying nature

15. "The housing market"

16. Having a dog

17. Clearly

18. Flying

19. YouTube

20. Visiting major historical sites
"Visiting major historical sites... Most of them have been turned into badly maintained, super expensive tourist traps.
Add in the trash and damage tourists do, and yikes."

21. Writing children's books
"Writing children's books. Used to be an art form, then every celebrity has written one."

22. "Moving out to "the country"."
"Moving out to "the country". Traffic used to be that one light that didn't cycle right, now, there are backups every day because they failed to upgrade the infrastructure.
Urbanites spazzing out because they heard a gunshot from the farm down the street, calling the police because they saw a coyote and "someone needs to do something about it!" All of them put 10,000 watts worth of lighting all around their house, completely washing out the night sky.
Can't forget their bored f**k trophies breaking into garages and trespassing and street racing on dark narrow country roads because there's nothing else to do here. Oh, and there's been a couple of murders now, before all this, the last time we had one was in like the 60s."

23. Turning an ordinary, chill event with friends into a massive one

24. Podcasts
"Podcasts. They used to be funny or insightful or informative or in some way valuable.
Now anyone with a microphone and half a funny story thinks they should make a podcast."

25. Festivals
"Festivals. I use to enjoy going to some local festivals.
Now they’re just overcrowded and expensive."

26. "The summit of Mt. Everest is like a trash heap now."

27. Disrespecting natural wealth

28. "The popularity of online gaming has ruined campaign based play."

29. Rap music
"Rap music ... it's everywhere and it's just terrible ...
Some songs have good lyrics, but the melody and the "music" is just the same beat everywhere, it's just boring ..."

30. National and state parks
"Covid ruined the National and state parks…too many a******s not respecting the land (leaving trash tagging rocks with graffiti)and crowding the trails."

31. Farmers markets

32. Burning Man
"Burning Man. The old guard of the old hippies of yore is long gone.
It's over run by hedge fund college kids and raver frat kids."

33. Adblock
"Adblock. Now every website has a warning.
It used to be a rare sight."

34. Driving to work early
"Driving to work early. I used to do it, but now it's the same as the morning Rush hour."

35. Flying drones

If you want to see more of their replies, you can do it here. But we are also curious about what you think.
Do you have something to add to this list? Changes can be difficult, but we should also think about how to get used to them faster.
If we manage to do that, it might be easier for us to handle them.