20+ Hilarious Telltale Signs That Someone Is British, As Said By Redditors

Bloody red flags of bloody British people.

  • Published in Funny
20+ Hilarious Telltale Signs That Someone Is British, As Said By Redditors

If there's a group of people that has been the subject of so many stereotypes all over the years, it's the British citizens. Although Americans definitely have a lot of stereotypes pegged against them, the British definitely have their fair share of funny clichés that up until today, send people to chuckle.

Like how mostly everyone assumes that Americans love baseball, Australians eat Vegemite for breakfast and lunch, Japanese people only eat sushi, Canadians are hockey fanatics, and some Asian people are emotionless but intelligent; the Brits have also been a subject of harmless stereotyping throughout the years that most of them find funny, too! While being stereotyped can be quite annoying especially when it's far from true, British people are well-armed with, well, a stereotype that also comes quite handy to fight them off: humor and sarcasm.

The Brits are also known for being excessively polite, and you sometimes don't know if they are being genuine or if they are just being passive-aggressive with you. But don't be fooled, they are actually naturally polite and nice and would most likely just ask you for a cup of tea (oops, another stereotype)!

There's also one thing that British people are known to enjoy: waiting in line. Next time you are in a queue and find yourself getting impatient: think British!

If you're wondering how many more stereotypes are there (oh, there's definitely a whole lot of them), a certain u/Automatic_Computer20 asked the question "What are some major red flags that someone is British?" on the r/AskReddit community. And sure enough, the people jumped in on the thread and shared the stereotypes they know as well as firsthand experiences to prove it!

Check out the highlights of the thread below!

1. If you have watched a lot of British films, youmost definitely have heard the word "bloody" a lot

1. If you have watched a lot of British films, youmost definitely have heard the word Reddit

2. The double hand leg slap makes it polished and complete

2. The double hand leg slap makes it polished and completeReddit

3. Welllllll...

3. Welllllll...Reddit

4. Either knackered, shattered, or cream cracker'd

4. Either knackered, shattered, or cream cracker'dReddit

5. Did someone say pudding?

5. Did someone say pudding?Reddit

6. They will insult you in the nicest way possible

6. They will insult you in the nicest way possibleReddit

7. The passive aggressiveness is unmatched

7. The passive aggressiveness is unmatchedReddit

8. The classic British text kisses

8. The classic British text kissesReddit

9. Get your facts straight—it's a cup of tea AND a biscuit

9. Get your facts straight—it's a cup of tea AND a biscuitReddit

10. Really? Is he suuure?

10. Really? Is he suuure?Reddit

11. You read that with a British accent, didn't you?

11. You read that with a British accent, didn't you?Reddit

12. Hoovering and cash points

12. Hoovering and cash pointsReddit

13. As long as they control it

13. As long as they control itReddit

14. It's like they were programmed to automatically respond with it

14. It's like they were programmed to automatically respond with itReddit

15. Well, well, how did you figure that one out?

15. Well, well, how did you figure that one out?Reddit

16. They're all about order and queues

16. They're all about order and queuesReddit

17. The look of revulsion

17. The look of revulsionReddit

18. Qewing

18. QewingReddit

19. They are well known for their dark humor and love for irony

19. They are well known for their dark humor and love for ironyReddit

20. That's a very British thing, using the word "have" and then "a [verb]"

20. That's a very British thing, using the word Reddit

21. Americans are all about chaos

21. Americans are all about chaosReddit

22. Using random words as insults. You're an absolute sandwich.

22. Using random words as insults. You're an absolute sandwich.Reddit

23. Wheyyy!

23. Wheyyy!Reddit

24. Yeah, sure you do

24. Yeah, sure you doReddit

25. Quirks

25. QuirksReddit

26. "Or create a customer service situation"—what a lovely way to put it

26. Reddit

27. Know the basics

27. Know the basicsReddit

28. Will you just let it go?

28. Will you just let it go?Reddit

29. The Bucket Household

29. The Bucket HouseholdReddit

Apologies, but apparently, on Reddit, it's a red flag to be British!

All in good humor, though.

Apologies, but apparently, on Reddit, it's a red flag to be British!Reddit

Stereotypes like these often mean no harm, and if you're at the receiving end of it, humor is just the best way to deal with this kind of concept—and it's even more hilarious if you would just embrace them! British or not, these comments on the thread are surely entertaining.

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