Bullied Teen's Heartbreaking Text To Her Mother Goes Viral And People Are Devastated

People need to learn that it's never okay to make fun of others.

Bullied Teen's Heartbreaking Text To Her Mother Goes Viral And People Are Devastated

Bullying is something that has been going on for a long time (too long) - It happens far too often in schools, online, and even at home sometimes.

We live in a very unfortunate world where people think that it's okay to make fun of others and it doesn't matter if someone is overweight, skinny, or tall. Bullying is unacceptable and we need to put a stop to it immediately.

When 18-year-old Bailey wore a dress to school, someone decided to snap a picture of her legs and post it on the internet. Of course, there was a lot of outrage when the photo went viral all over the internet, as well as a lot of positive support. 

If you or someone you know is being bullied, take a stand and defend yourselves and most importantly, always stay true to yourself no matter what.

This is Bailey who was confident enough to wear a dress to school.

This is Bailey who was confident enough to wear a dress to school.

Unfortunately, she got the attention from a bully named Dylan who decided to take a picture and post it on Snapchat.

Unfortunately, she got the attention from a bully named Dylan who decided to take a picture and post it on Snapchat.

The young teens messages to her mother are absolutely gut-wrenching.

The young teens messages to her mother are absolutely gut-wrenching.

People around the internet have been sharing this picture as a way to prevent bullying.

People around the internet have been sharing this picture as a way to prevent bullying.

When the story first made waves, she received a lot of positive support from people whose hearts were completely shattered from the incident.

When the story first made waves, she received a lot of positive support from people whose hearts were completely shattered from the incident.

As you can imagine, there were a lot of individuals who were devastated by this and a lot of people couldn't even believe what they had just read.

As you can imagine, there were a lot of individuals who were devastated by this and a lot of people couldn't even believe what they had just read.

Everyone came to her side with loads of support

Everyone came to her side with loads of support

The mother’s messages were the hardest to read considering that they have kids of their own who could possibly go through this.

The mother’s messages were the hardest to read considering that they have kids of their own who could possibly go through this.

What's more is that it doesn't stop there. There are now individuals who are saying that she deserved it due to a racist post that she made on Twitter.

What's more is that it doesn't stop there. There are now individuals who are saying that she deserved it due to a racist post that she made on Twitter.

Take a look at what she posted for yourself:

Take a look at what she posted for yourself:

It’s quite simple actually. Bullies are just as bad as racists and in return, Bailey was quick to lose any support that she had.

It’s quite simple actually. Bullies are just as bad as racists and in return, Bailey was quick to lose any support that she had.