Frightened Teen Seeks Advice On How To Report Mom's Dog-Abusive Boyfriend As He's Afraid He Might Get Hurt In The Process

According to the teenager, he has abused his children before.

Frightened Teen Seeks Advice On How To Report Mom's Dog-Abusive Boyfriend As He's Afraid He Might Get Hurt In The Process

Over the past two decades, there's been a remarkable shift in understanding the link between violence towards animals and violence towards humans. Research has proved the connection, revealing that individuals who mistreat animals often escalate to harming people as well.

Today, there's a growing awareness among child protection services, social workers, mental health experts, and educators that cruelty to animals is a troubling sign of aggressive and antisocial behavior. It's become clear that when someone abuses animals in their youth, it's likely they'll continue to harm others as they grow older.

Tragically, children who experience abuse often replicate that behavior, lacking empathy and failing to understand the pain they inflict. This cycle often begins with animals as their first targets.

As these individuals mature, they may turn to harming even more vulnerable victims, such as children, partners, or the elderly. Over at Quora, a frightened teenager shared his difficulty at home.

This was his question:

Im a 16 year old in a difficult home life situation and we’ve gotten a new dog. I woke up tonight hearing him being beaten by my mothers boyfriend.
How do I help my dog without being harmed myself? (context: he’s shown abuse to his own kids before)

The question received tons of answers, with other people asking for updates as they're concerned for the well-being of the original poster (OP).

TW: Potentially sensitive content. Mentions of abuse might not be suitable for some readers.

The teenager added more context to his situation.

The teenager added more context to his situation.

Unfortunately, neither the police nor the CPS is willing to help.

Unfortunately, neither the police nor the CPS is willing to help.

The OP also adds that there's no way he can overpower his mom's boyfriend as he's still transitioning.

The OP also adds that there's no way he can overpower his mom's boyfriend as he's still transitioning.

He can't get help from his dad or other family members either.

He can't get help from his dad or other family members either.

Things are not really looking good for the OP.

Things are not really looking good for the OP.

The OP is in a terrible situation and if the OP can try to convince his mom to run away from this guy, he should.

Call your local police department as soon as you can. Anyone who terrorized an animal is just a short step from terrorizing you or your mother.

Run, do not walk, to get help. I’m not sure if your mother would listen, but she needs to get out of the relationship ASAP.

You are in an extremely scary situation. Please keep us apprised as to what happens.

I worry for you.

The OP is in a terrible situation and if the OP can try to convince his mom to run away from this guy, he should.gettyimages via

It might be best for the OP to rehome the dog or surrender it to a no-kill shelter.

If you really do not want to call the authorities or cannot because of risk to your safety, you must think of the dog and remove it from the situation. Can you get the dog to a vet to be checked over?

If cost is an issue, explain the situation and I am sure they will find a way to help you or point you in the direction of a low cost vet. As much as you love the dog, do the best thing for your animal and rehome him in a good home or no kill shelter.

It’s a hard choice but this will happen again and again. You cannot protect the dog and it may at best develop fear of humans and become psychologically damaged or sustain life threatening injuries from the beatings.

Do the right thing and do it as soon as possible. Any responsible dog owner will put the health and welfare of their pet as a priority.

Do not just dump the dog, go to the shelter, they will understand why you are handing it over. If you haven’t had it checked over already, mention this at the time you surrender the animal and they will organise for it to be seen by a vet.

I am sorry this has happening to you and your pupper but you will be doing the right thing. After you have done this try and find a place of safety to go for yourself if you can.

You are in a very volatile situation and it could be you next. Be safe.

It might be best for the OP to rehome the dog or surrender it to a no-kill shelter.fsHH via pixabay

The OP can try destroying the thing used for hitting the dog. He can also report to humane society anonymously.

pray for the man for God to soften his heart.

In the meantime, pray for the man. Find out what he is beating the dog with. Whatever it is , when he is away from your house, break whatever he is hitting the dog with. Break it to pieces.

if this doesn’t work, call the Humane Society and tell them about what is happening. Borrow a phone from a friend to make the call.

Step outside to make the call and do not give your name. But give them the address

Otherwise, call Family and Children’s Services because soon he will kill the dog and will start beating you and/or your mother.

The OP can try destroying the thing used for hitting the dog. He can also report to humane society anonymously.gettyimages via

As much as it feels better to simply retaliate, it's not the best option for the OP.

Kick the SOB,in the balls,then call the police. He needs to be in jail for a long time.

Personally I hate people who hurt animals and children

As much as it feels better to simply retaliate, it's not the best option for the OP.Lisa5201

The OP should try talking sense into his mom.

Report him to the authorities, then have mom keep him away from children no matter their age.

If he mistreats an animal he will mistreat humans. Especially, those humans and animals smaller than himself. That is what makes him a man, being a bully.

The OP should try talking sense into his mom.gettyimages via

Please go and get help for yourself and your dog.

Maybe give the dog away. Not to a kill shelter. Talk to your school councilor the police and your mother. Nobody should get beaten. Ever. Good luck to you.

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If only they can call on an adult they can trust.

your mother is the adult and should be the one getting you and your dog out of a n unsafe situation. If you don’t feel safe tell someone who can protect you like a trusting relative or a teacher.

Call animal control as well. Be careful and God bless and protect you and your animal

If only they can call on an adult they can trust.gettyimagespro via

Maybe it's best to find a new owner for the dog.

Please find a new home for your dog right away. Or ask a friend to keep it and help find it a good home.

Can you also live somewhere else? My heart goes out to you.

Maybe it's best to find a new owner for the dog.gettysignature via

Sadly, the police won't do anything about it.

Physical abuse where is the people or animals is illegal. When something like this happens, do not hesitate to call the police.

This is something I have zero tolerance of,. The best place for an abuser of children or animals is jail.

Sadly, the police won't do anything about it.gettysignature via

The OP can also try other organizations and have them rescue his dog.

You need to call the ASPCA and have the dog removed and charges filed he may kill this poor pup if it bites.

The OP can also try other organizations and have them rescue his dog.gettysignature via

If the dog is the primary source of the boyfriend's frustration, it might be best for the OP to consider rehoming the pet. They can explore organizations and shelters that can assist in finding a new forever home for their beloved companion.

We hope his mom realizes that she is putting her children in danger by being with this man. If nobody in their family wants to help him, he needs to find another trusted adult who could help with his situation.
