Humans Need To Talk To Dogs More, And 7 Pet Owners Reveal Compelling Reasons Why

"They also learned to recognize certain phrases, and this became helpful. "

Humans Need To Talk To Dogs More, And 7 Pet Owners Reveal Compelling Reasons Why

Ever wondered if chatting with your furry friend means you've crossed into the realm of eccentricity? Turns out, not engaging in conversation with your pup might mean you're missing out on the full potential of the amazing human-canine bond.

Studies from the past decades highlight that dogs possess a unique understanding of human communication unmatched by any other species. With over 30,000 years of cohabitation, dogs have developed communication abilities that some experts argue rival those of human children.

Engaging in conversation with your furry friend isn't just a quirky habit; it's a crucial aspect of nurturing a strong bond and effective training. Experts emphasize that regular chats with your beloved furry companion can significantly impact training outcomes.

Solidifying trust and communication creates smoother training sessions and a deeper connection with your dog. Understanding your dog's needs and preferences also becomes easier when you maintain an open line of communication.

Dogs, like humans, communicate through various signals, and actively conversing with them helps decipher their cues more effectively. Even a number of dog owners themselves encourage this habit.

In a Quora thread, people started sharing their own reasons after a user asked this question:

Why should people talk to their dogs more?

Doggos love it when their hoomans talk to them.

In my experience, my dogs liked when I talked to them. They also learned to recognize certain phrases, and this became helpful.

For example, My first Springer Spaniel Dewey always wanted to be ahead of me, but he often did not know where I was going. I would say “Inside,” “Outside,” “Upstairs,” “Downstairs,” or “This way” for turns, and it did not take long for him to learn what I meant.

He would confidently move along in the direction I had indicated which made life easier for both of us. I’ve done the same thing with all the dogs I have had since then.

I also tell them what good dogs they are. I give them commands like “Sit” or “No bark,” or “Leave it”.

I often just talk with them. I think they can tell what my mood is from the tone of my voice. They are so perceptive and smart. I think they feel more included in my life because I talk to them.

Doggos love it when their hoomans talk to them.azhenikeyev51

The sound of their human's voice is enough to soothe a dog.

Even tho your dogs vocabulary is more limited than a humans, the sound of your voice is comforting to them, and if you have a good relationship, your praise is immensely valuable to them…

Just quietly talk to your dog and tell them they are Good….

The sound of their human's voice is enough to soothe a dog.Terry Dinerman

Talking to pets strengthens the bond.

Oh wow. I have 4 dogs. They respond to your tone. Each is different. It builds a stronger bond.

Talking to pets strengthens the bond.gettysignature

If you live alone, you just can't help but talk to your dog more.

Because if you live alone - as I do - sometimes your dog is the only person you talk to all day!

If you live alone, you just can't help but talk to your dog more.Ivan Babydov

You can also "listen" to your dog.

Same reason you talk to plants or other living beings…. communication. By talking to them, you Watch and see the way they respond and That is the beginning of learning to communicate.

Not every thing is communicated through words. That’s the main source for humans so they talk.

Plants and animals use other means to communicate. You use what you can but don’t forget that it’s a two-way street, you’re trying to talk to them and they are trying to “talk” to you.

Are you paying attention to what they are saying? or are you the only one “speaking”.

You have to learn to Listen with more than your ears.

You can also rossandhelen

Dogs feel included when their humans talk to them.

People should talk to their dogs more because it strengthens the bond between them. Dogs respond well to human voices and can understand basic commands and emotions.

Talking to them can also make them feel loved and included in the family, which can improve their behavior and overall well-being. Plus, it's just plain fun to have conversations with our furry friends!

Dogs feel included when their humans talk to them.gettyimages

Talking to dogs can lessen unwanted behavior.

Because you don’t want your dog to think it’s a fish or a wild animal because you don’t want your dog to start acting wild and people who talk to their dogs give their dogs more love don’t have there dog being intentionally naughty

Talking to dogs can lessen unwanted behavior.gettysignature

Dogs are part of the family. And to strengthen that family bond, owners need to make time and talk to their dogs.

Doing this regularly with your beloved canine enhances communication, establishing their understanding of commands during training sessions. With a well-trained dog, not only can you foster obedience but also nurture a well-mannered and delightful companion.
