Girlfriend Feeds Her Dog "Table Scraps," So Redditors Go In Hard To Teach Her The Difference Between Leftovers And Table Scraps
It was her first time visiting his house and she fed her dog a quarter of the roast chicken & some vegetable from the fridge
- Published in Animal Stories
It was a big deal when this woman's boyfriend invited her over to his house for dinner. They have been dating for four months and this is the first time she will be visiting his place.
OP's boyfriend Jay planned a whole day for them to spend together. He also promised to cook a very special meal for the two of them from scratch.
Jay said that OP should bring her dog since they will be spending the first half of the day hiking. So, OP brought her dog, Shelby, with them and their morning went without a hitch.
OP's boyfriend cooked roast chicken and vegetables for their dinner. After OP finished her plate, she went to Jay's kitchen and realized that it was almost Shelby's dinner time.
She didn't bring Shelby's dinner with her but realized that there is still half of the roasted chicken left. OP took it upon herself to liberate half of what's left of the chicken and added some raw vegetables for good measure.
She put it on a plate and was carrying it to feed Shelby when Jay asked her what she was doing. OP replied that she was about to feed Shelby.
Jay responded that what he cooked was not meant for the dog. OP opened the back door to set the plate down for Shelby anyway.
Jay got up, took the plate, and brought it back to OP wrapped in tin foil. He then asked OP to leave.
u/throwawayscrapsJay said the dinner he made was for the two of them and OP should have asked first because he was planning to use the leftovers.
u/throwawayscrapsBefore OP left, she argued that since Jay made the dinner for them, she had the right to do whatever she wanted to with some of it and he should have been understanding since he knows that Shelby is on a raw diet.
u/throwawayscrapsOP's friend said that Jay had a right to be upset but OP doesn't trust her opinion because she judged OP in the past about how she treats Shelby
u/throwawayscrapsOP got judged on the post as well and had to defend why she put Shelby on a raw diet
u/throwawayscrapsShe did say that she eventually apologized to Jay and he accepted it
u/throwawayscrapsBut he broke up with her because what happened was the just a part of a pattern of inconsiderate behavior from OP's part
u/throwawayscrapsEven if someone hosts you and your dog for the day, it is still your responsibility to meet all of your dog's needs
BeefyMonkeyBrainsOP said that she and Shelby would have gone home early if there was no dog-safe food in Jay's house
throwawayscrapsOP needs a lesson about the difference between leftovers and table scraps
burymewithmygamecubeThe bare minimum and polite thing to do was to ask Jay if it was okay to take some of the chicken to feed the dog
burymewithmygamecubeOh boy, OP is about to get schooled
throwawayscrapsWithout Reddit's intervention, OP would have gone on believing that he did nothing wrong
mad100141Among the other things you learned, hopefully
throwawayscrapsWe highly doubt your dad ever gave the chickens half of a pot roast that was safely tucked away in the fridge
waitingfordeathhbu, throwawayscrapsOP probably would have gone ballistic if her dog got sick from the roasted chicken
starbright234We don't think Jay made the roast from scratch with Shelby's diet in mind
throwawayscrapsThe commenter pressed on why OP thought it was okay to take food that wasn't hers to feed her dog
starbright234Really? You can't think of any other reason?
throwawayscrapsYou literally went for a hike which is an activity dogs are known to enjoy
TemptingPenguin369Jay invited her dog to the hike, not to the dinner he paid for and cooked
ReallyTrying_NotTo, throwawayscrapsDing! Ding! Ding! Ding! OP made a lot of assumptions and made no attempts to communicate
immadriftersbodySure, Jay invited the dog to the hike but he has no obligation to make accommodations for her
He_Who_Is_Right_It has been established that OP cannot differentiate between leftovers and table scraps
He_Who_Is_Right_Important note: groceries are expensive as hell these days!
OkieLady1952That dinner probably costed Jay a good amount of money and OP just basically called half of it table scraps
ennomineNot to mention, it was her first time visiting his apartment and she felt comfortable enough to rummage through his fridge!
steveholtismymotherHow does roast chicken qualify as part of the dog's raw diet anyhow?
Even-Collection-1484The roast was bad for Shelby and disrespectful to Jay who spent money on the food and made it from scratch
WithoutDennisNedryOP basically wasted $10 worth of food Jay could have eaten the next day
RatioNo1114It wasn't her place yet she felt like she could do this
Oranges007Even her "judgy" friend telling her she was in the wrong wasn't enough to convince OP that she behaved so terribly
elfelettemEven self-proclaimed "crazy dog ladies" couldn't get on board with how OP behaved
twirlerina024The most important part: Run, Jay! Run!
Disavowed_SnailShelby is not at all to blame for how her owner behaved. OP should have brought enough food for her dog knowing that they will be staying at Jay's place for dinner right after a hike.
It's ridiculous that it took a Reddit post and a few thousand people telling her how wrong she was for OP to realize she disrespected Jay. I guess she can spend more time with Shelby now that she's single.