Man Asks If It Would Be Wrong To Change Streaming Service Passwords Given To His Brother

Sharing your streaming platform passwords is a love language so giving it to just anyone isn't acceptable.

Man Asks If It Would Be Wrong To Change Streaming Service Passwords Given To His Brother

Welcome back to a Reddit post that we'll be looking into today. This one is from the AITA thread. The AITA thread is a great place to get advice from people on your particular situation.

This thread is usually filled with so many different stories and tons of awesome comments giving their perspectives and overall thoughts on OP's situation. So, with this being said, we are diving into a post today that was submitted by someone who wants to know if they are wrong for wanting to change their streaming platform password.

Essentially, he said that he shared the passwords with his brother, who then shared them with his long-distance girlfriend without asking OP if this was okay. OP's prior history with fraud can give you an idea of why this might have been more serious for him than others.

He wants to change the passwords without telling his brother because he did this without his knowledge. If you're interested in hearing the full situation and seeing OP's original post, then keep on reading as we dive in and give you the full look into the post, as well as all of the best comments that were left on it, giving him all kinds of advice.

OP's post was pretty straightforward with their situation and sharing what their issue was with his brother sharing the password to all his streaming platforms.

OP's post was pretty straightforward with their situation and sharing what their issue was with his brother sharing the password to all his streaming platforms.u/neatsn

Many people said that OP wasn't in the wrong here and he can do what he wants but he should expect his brother to be upset.

Many people said that OP wasn't in the wrong here and he can do what he wants but he should expect his brother to be upset.thesaltyace

Many weren't on the same page about what it means when someone shares a password with you.

Many weren't on the same page about what it means when someone shares a password with you.redlanternfly

Explaining his logic behind this to his brother is best, but he could change the password and gvie it to him again but let him know that he can't give it to anyone else, including his girlfriend.

Explaining his logic behind this to his brother is best, but he could change the password and gvie it to him again but let him know that he can't give it to anyone else, including his girlfriend.Reddit

Technically it is his account and it's his password so he shouldn't have to share it with anyone at all and he can do as he pleases with it.

Technically it is his account and it's his password so he shouldn't have to share it with anyone at all and he can do as he pleases with it.MissCrabucket

Looks like everyone is on the same page here about OP being able to reset his password himself because it's his account.

Looks like everyone is on the same page here about OP being able to reset his password himself because it's his account.Elegant-Bastard

Many agreed that OP's brother lost his privileges to the password and so OP should just go ahead and change it.

Many agreed that OP's brother lost his privileges to the password and so OP should just go ahead and change it.Brintey_the_Short

Some people even mentioned that the password sharing is getting more and more serious even in the eyes of the streaming platforms themselves.

Some people even mentioned that the password sharing is getting more and more serious even in the eyes of the streaming platforms themselves.RobynStellarxx

We do agree with this because it's smart to let him know of the change and also let him know why you're changing the password.

We do agree with this because it's smart to let him know of the change and also let him know why you're changing the password.Glandus73

He might be upset but many people think that changing the password is the right call here after what his brother did.

He might be upset but many people think that changing the password is the right call here after what his brother did.RealbadtheBandit

We definitely feel like OP has full rein over his own passwords and accounts, so really he can keep the password or change it however he'd like. Realistically, his brother was definitely out of line here, and he should have, at the very least, asked OP if he could share the password with his girlfriend.
