Couple Adopts Stray Cat, Only To Find Out That The Owners Who Lived Near Them Want It Back

The kids who used to own the cat visit the window where the cat lounges daily just to say hi

Couple Adopts Stray Cat, Only To Find Out That The Owners Who Lived Near Them Want It Back

We always believed that stray cats are good for pest control. They are predators and hunters who can help eliminate the never-ending rat population in our locales.

Well, we couldn't be more wrong according to recent studies. Feral stray cats are bad for the environment and they do little to eradicate the rat population according to scientists.

We are living through a mass extinction event and cats are helpfully speeding that along. Outdoor stray cats have been found to cause the decline of some species of birds, penguins, reptiles, and bats.

They also kill more than they eat and therefore cause more rats and other scavengers to show up. The increased presence of rats means humans become exposed to the diseases they carry.

Not to mention the threat that cats pose to humans themselves. Stray cats are also known to be the largest cause of rabies infections in the United States.

Apart from that, they carry a parasite that has been linked to cause Alzheimer's, learning issues, and schizophrenia among other things. Not enough of us know about the threat that wild domesticated cats pose against humans and the environment.

There are still those who believe that they are harmless since they don't really approach humans. So, it's best to report to your local animal control for any strays you might encounter roaming your area.

This is what OP did when they found a stray cat during a walk

This is what OP did when they found a stray cat during a walku/Throwaway-meetup

The cat they found looked sickly and wasn't wearing a collar. OP did the right thing and called the humane society to surrender the cat.

The cat they found looked sickly and wasn't wearing a collar. OP did the right thing and called the humane society to surrender the cat.u/Throwaway-meetup

The shelter told OP that the cat wasn't microchipped or fixed — which was a requirement in their city

The shelter informed OP that they will hold the cat for a week and upload his image on the found animals section of their website. No one claimed ownership of the cat for a week, so the shelter offered it to OP for adoption.

The shelter told OP that the cat wasn't microchipped or fixed — which was a requirement in their cityu/Throwaway-meetup

OP and their girlfriend bought everything they needed for the cat. They also had it chipped, vaccinated, and neutered; they spent $425 in total to adopt the cat.

OP and their girlfriend bought everything they needed for the cat. They also had it chipped, vaccinated, and neutered; they spent $425 in total to adopt the cat.u/Throwaway-meetup

OP's girlfriend took a liking to their new cuddly pet when they got a call from the previous owner telling them that his kids saw their cat in OP's apartment

OP's girlfriend took a liking to their new cuddly pet when they got a call from the previous owner telling them that his kids saw their cat in OP's apartmentu/Throwaway-meetup

They apparently lived in the same street and told OP the kids wanted their cat back

They apparently lived in the same street and told OP the kids wanted their cat backu/Throwaway-meetup

OP told the man that he could either pay him back for everything they spent on the cat or OP can give them $150 to buy a new cat because OP felt bad for the kids

OP told the man that he could either pay him back for everything they spent on the cat or OP can give them $150 to buy a new cat because OP felt bad for the kidsu/Throwaway-meetup

The kids go to OP's window to say hi to their old kitty which OP finds a little intrusive. Still, OP wonders if they are the a**hole for not giving the cat back to the previous owners when the mistake was caused by the shelter in the first place.

The kids go to OP's window to say hi to their old kitty which OP finds a little intrusive. Still, OP wonders if they are the a**hole for not giving the cat back to the previous owners when the mistake was caused by the shelter in the first place.u/Throwaway-meetup

Most commenters took OP's side and agreed that they would give it a better life than the one it would have with its original family

Most commenters took OP's side and agreed that they would give it a better life than the one it would have with its original familycountingpickles

OP appreciated the support but said they couldn't help but feel guilty for causing the neighbor's children undue sadness

OP appreciated the support but said they couldn't help but feel guilty for causing the neighbor's children undue sadnessThrowaway-meetup

However, OP also got a fair amount of backlash for keeping a cat they knew belonged to another family

However, OP also got a fair amount of backlash for keeping a cat they knew belonged to another familyMissJohnson713

OP said that the commenter missed the point of what happened; OP was simply looking to find out if what they did was the best course of action for everyone involved

OP said that the commenter missed the point of what happened; OP was simply looking to find out if what they did was the best course of action for everyone involvedThrowaway-meetup

This seemed like a reasonable option but only if OP was willing to work with the family

This seemed like a reasonable option but only if OP was willing to work with the familyChickandaduck

They doubled down and told OP they do not believe the cat was exhibiting any signs of abuse

They doubled down and told OP they do not believe the cat was exhibiting any signs of abuseChickandaduck

In another comment, OP said they contacted the shelter to get their version of events and to find out how the mix up happened in the first place

In another comment, OP said they contacted the shelter to get their version of events and to find out how the mix up happened in the first placeCuddly_piranha, Throwaway-meetup

It does seem like the original cat's family do not have enough means to provide adequately for the cat while OP is more than willing to go the extra mile for it

It does seem like the original cat's family do not have enough means to provide adequately for the cat while OP is more than willing to go the extra mile for itSordoCrabs

We do agree that OP is toeing a very grey area when it comes to the humanity of what they did. On the other hand, they did save the cat from a family that couldn't afford to be on top of its medical needs.

It's just sad to think about the little kids losing their family pets through no fault of their own. Needless to say, we are glad that the cat is in a loving home where it will want for nothing.
