Woman Decides To Give Pet's Name To Her Kid, SIL Gets Mad At Her For Not Being Consulted First

"I'm not sure I did anything wrong here"

Woman Decides To Give Pet's Name To Her Kid, SIL Gets Mad At Her For Not Being Consulted First

Sometimes, it's hilarious to give dogs human names. Just think of how adorable it would be to name your dog after your favorite celebrity or even a family member that you cherish.

But here's the thing: naming a human dog can be a deeply meaningful gesture that goes beyond simply making us smile. Perhaps your furry buddy makes you think of a certain someone or has peculiarities resembling the person who has the name.

For any reason, you're bound to find the inspiration you need for a human name that captures the paw-sonality of your dog. But then, you can't stop a human from taking your dog's name, especially if it's a human name they love.

The OP of today's story likes the name her SIL gave to her animal. She did not name her first daughter that same name since her pet already had the name.

When the OP gave birth to her third child, she decided to name her the SIL's pet's name. The OP then announced it to the whole family, and now her SIL is pissed at her for not letting her know about it before.

OP's aunt was of the opinion that she should have been contacted as a sign of respect before the OP could announce such. Read the full story for yourself as you scroll down below.

The headline

The headlineReddit/Tall-Quit-8789

OP gave birth to another little girl

OP gave birth to another little girlReddit/Tall-Quit-8789

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:

  1. Naming my little girl the same name as my SIL's pet's name and not letting her know about it
  2. Perhaps since she named her pet that exact name before I named my daughter. Not contacting her to let her know before letting the whole family know could be mean

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...Reddit/Tall-Quit-8789

Finding a name that isn't used by someone is practically impossible

Finding a name that isn't used by someone is practically impossibleReddit/Tall-Quit-8789

This is such a weird thing to do

This is such a weird thing to doReddit/Tall-Quit-8789

OP's SIL is being ridiculous

OP's SIL is being ridiculousReddit/Tall-Quit-8789

The OP added this info later on saying:

Thank you all for your replies! to add some more info, the name is a common human name and the animal is still alive. I just guess SIL is pissed I did not communicate my decision and let them know, since I have known the animal's existence for 5-6 years...

Is it a common name?

Is it a common name?Reddit/Tall-Quit-8789

Kids can actually be cruel

Kids can actually be cruelReddit/Tall-Quit-8789

OP should have told her one on one

OP should have told her one on oneReddit/Tall-Quit-8789

In this edit, the OP had to reveal the name to the audience

Wow, I feel like the room is quite separated on this. I guess to clarify the issue even further would be to give the name: Rebecca.

The full extent of the conversation

The full extent of the conversationReddit/Tall-Quit-8789

OP should just share

OP should just shareReddit/Tall-Quit-8789

This Redditor agrees with OP's SIL

This Redditor agrees with OP's SILReddit/Tall-Quit-8789

Some Redditors wondered if the OP thought that using the name was a little inappropriate or strange, or if she was worried that her SIL would try to make her change her mind? Some Redditors were curious whether OP's sister-in-law feels sad that her daughter's name will be on her mind all the time after her pet passes away.

Still, the OP was declared not the AH and that's a wrap!
