This Couple Had A Star Wars Wedding And These 45 Photos Are The Best Proof Of How Fun It Can Be
Watch these fun photos of Star-Wars-themed weddings and maybe you can find something interesting for your wedding.

When two Disney’s college program interns, Carrie and Cory Shields, met, something clicked. They started dating and they soon realized that they both share one passion- Star Wars. When she heard from him that in the extended universe, the Sarlac pit was not strong enough to hold Boba Fett, and that he escaped and became the best anti-hero in Star Wars, she looked at him and told him “I love you”. His response was “I know”, paying tribute to Han Solo and Princess Leia. The love continued to grow, and as expected, this couple got married in the sequel of the series.

Fewer than 1% of our weddings are theme weddings,” Carrie and Cory’s wedding ceremony photographer, Mark Hillis, told the reporters “Most are not fully implemented themes, but rather just a few accents to the decor or activities. For instance, a couple might have lightsabers and a bit of decor that matches the Star Wars theme, but they don’t dress up as a character from the movie. It’s rare to see a full-blown theme wedding where the wedding party and the bride and groom have dressed up to play the part and all the decor is theme related.”

Hillis believes that Carrie and Cory staged their themed wedding very well, without going too extreme by dressing up as storm troopers or having the wedding party costumed as characters. “They had some very unique elements to their day based on the Star Wars movies, such as a full life-sized R2D2 robot that was remotely controlled and used as their ring bearer during the ceremony,” he stated. They had a GoPro camera attached to the robot to film the ceremony from that perspective.

“They also had the theme integrated into much of their wedding day decor, music, and their invitations. I think it’s good to still maintain some traditional elements to the wedding (after all, the day is not just all about Star Wars, or whatever the theme is, it’s about getting married primarily). Carrie and Cory’s wedding, while having a theme, also incorporated elements of their own personal style (such as Carrie’s choice of dress and hairstyle and flowers, and Cory’s choice of shoes, etc).”

“The bride and groom were over the moon (or maybe I should say they were over the Death Star) with how things turned out! I don’t think they thought their photos would go viral by any means, but we all knew they had pulled off a very unique themed wedding that was fun for them and very entertaining for their guests!”

Later, Mark Hillis was invited to portray another Star Wars-themed wedding.

“Chris and Jolie wanted to go all the way for their Star Wars theme, so they flew all the guests to the swamp covered planet of Dagobah, where Luke had once trained to be a Jedi with Yoda,” Hillis said. “It worked well because the bride and groom wanted a more secluded setting so that the Empire could not bother them on their wedding day. All joking aside, they simply wanted to add some Star Wars accents to their day and capture some fun memories incorporating the theme. Their light sabers were made by the Jedi Masters at the company Ultrasabers.”

It is no surprise that Star Wars became one of the most popular wedding themes. Here are some creative ideas:

What do you think about themed weddings? Share your opinion in the comment section.