Redditors Unveil Little-Known Facts That Will Surprise You

The dog was the smallest and by far the most beautiful little animal that has appeared in this country
When the Old Summer Palace (near Beijing) was looted in October 1860, Captain John Hart Dunne bought a female Pekingese dog named Looty or Lootie. For the Royal Collection of Dogs, he gave her to Queen Victoria, who gave her the name Looty or Lootie in honor of how she was obtained.
So let's dig into the story properly. During the Second Opium War in October 1860, British and French forces looted the Old Summer Palace (Yuanmingyuan) outside of Peking.
Looty may have been the first Pekingese dog to arrive in England (modern Beijing). John Hart Dunne, a British captain, discovered a tiny Pekingese dog. Later, he wrote about it in his journal:
"I have been able to retain a good many trifles that I bought there [The French camp], also a pretty little dog, smaller than any King Charles, a real Chinese sleeve dog. It has silver bells round its neck. People say [he added], it is the most perfect little beauty they have ever seen."
Dunne brought the dog back to England, and although this claim is debatable, it is believed to have been the first Pekingese to make the journey and land in Britain. Keep scrolling to see the lovely doggo.
This little dog was found by me in the Palace of Yuan-Ming-Yuan near Pekin on 6 October 1860. It is supposed to have belonged to either the Empress or one of the ladies of the Imperial Family.
It is a most affectionate and intelligent little creature – it has always been accustomed to be treated as a pet and it was with the hope that it might be looked upon as such by Her Majesty and the Royal Family that I have brought it from China.
The dog was gratefully accepted by Her Majesty with pleasure. As a nod to how it was obtained, she gave it the name Looty or Lootie.
Everyone who has seen Looty has said that it is "by far the smallest and most lovely tiny mammal that has appeared in this country." And the comments by Redditors roll in...
The cute little doggo, Looty was brought to the main kennels at Windsor Castle and spent the remaining days of its life there when Keyl finished painting her portrait. There, she evolved into more of an interest than the pet Dunne had planned for.
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