Redditor Makes Her Snoring Partner Sleep On The Couch During Hell Month, Partner's Mum And Friends Get Mad At Her

"I'm the primary breadwinner and we can't afford for me to lose my job"

Redditor Makes Her Snoring Partner Sleep On The Couch During Hell Month, Partner's Mum And Friends Get Mad At Her

When air cannot easily pass through the mouth or nose, snoring occurs. Soft tissues in the mouth, nose, and throat bump into one another and vibrate when air is driven through an obstruction.

A rattling, snorting, or groaning sound is produced by the vibrations. And snoring can keep the other person awake.

Snoring noises might be very loud, grumbling, snorting or rumbling, or they can be subtle vibrations or whistles. Some people may snore as they sleep without being aware of it.

Regular cold- or flu-related snoring is usually not harmful. However, sleep apnea, a serious disorder, might be the cause of this extremely loud or regular snoring.

The OP in today's story suspects that her partner has sleep apnea because he snores so loudly. Not only that, but he snores so badly that sometimes it will wake the OP out of a sound sleep because it sounds like he is screaming.

This man refuses to see the doctor or try nasal straps, so the OP has been relegated to the couch so many times. But then, her partner is still inconsiderate, as he doesn't try to be quiet when he knows the OP is sleeping.

The OP had serious work to do, so she told her partner to use the couch instead, but it ended up being a problem for the boyfriend's mom and friends. Keep scrolling to read the entire story. 

The Headline

The HeadlineReddit/Glass_Status_5837

He snores so loudly sometimes that it will wake me out of a sound sleep

He snores so loudly sometimes that it will wake me out of a sound sleepReddit/Glass_Status_5837

The OP moves to the couch only to get woken up again

The OP moves to the couch only to get woken up againReddit/Glass_Status_5837

The OP has strict productivity requirements during Hell Month

The OP has strict productivity requirements during Hell MonthReddit/Glass_Status_5837

I'm the primary breadwinner and we can't afford for me to lose my job

I'm the primary breadwinner and we can't afford for me to lose my jobReddit/Glass_Status_5837

Here are what some of the top comments from Redditors in response to the story

Here are what some of the top comments from Redditors in response to the storyReddit/Glass_Status_5837

There's no way your marriage will survive

There's no way your marriage will surviveReddit/Glass_Status_5837

He sounds like a selfish AH

He sounds like a selfish AHReddit/Glass_Status_5837

Record his snoring and let him hear it

Record his snoring and let him hear itReddit/Glass_Status_5837

You have tried sleeping on the couch

You have tried sleeping on the couchReddit/Glass_Status_5837

How did his mom find out?

How did his mom find out?Reddit/Glass_Status_5837

Sleep deprivation is a form of torture

Sleep deprivation is a form of tortureReddit/Glass_Status_5837

You need a comfortable solution for you both

You need a comfortable solution for you bothReddit/Glass_Status_5837

Lots of people joke about snoring

Lots of people joke about snoringReddit/Glass_Status_5837

This Redditor doubts the OP is getting much sleep

This Redditor doubts the OP is getting much sleepReddit/Glass_Status_5837

Better sleep, better energy

Better sleep, better energyReddit/Glass_Status_5837

I'm the one making the racket

I'm the one making the racketReddit/Glass_Status_5837

It seems like an every night issue

It seems like an every night issueReddit/Glass_Status_5837

He gets evaluated for sleep apnea

He gets evaluated for sleep apneaReddit/Glass_Status_5837

Lack of sleep affects her more

Lack of sleep affects her moreReddit/Glass_Status_5837

This is a funny one

This is a funny oneReddit/Glass_Status_5837

You guys should look into giving up sleeping together

You guys should look into giving up sleeping togetherReddit/Glass_Status_5837

It could very well end him in his sleep

It could very well end him in his sleepReddit/Glass_Status_5837

He is the one making the noise

He is the one making the noiseReddit/Glass_Status_5837

You asked him to try things

You asked him to try thingsReddit/Glass_Status_5837

Snorers may experience nighttime tossing and turn, a dry, scratchy throat upon awakening, and fatigue during the day. Headaches and moodiness can all be brought on by sleep deprivation.

What advice would you give the OP? Were her actions justifiable, and what would you do differently?

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below and share this post as well.
