25+ Unexpectedly Smart Pets And The Little Things They Learned That Impressed Their Owners

"We had a horse who could untie any knot if he watched you tie it."

  • Published in Animals
25+ Unexpectedly Smart Pets And The Little Things They Learned That Impressed Their Owners

We like to joke around that our pets are sometimes smarter than us. If you have a pet companion at home, I'm sure there is at least one moment where you saw how intelligent they are.

It is also true that they chase their own tails and get spooked by their own shadows, so who can really say? But what we can agree on is that they have their moments.

Whether it's actual intelligence or their training kicking in, pets do show some level of cognition from time to time that catches us by surprise. We have all probably seen some videos of dogs doing math or read stories about crows retaliating against humans who have mistreated them in the past.

Those videos and stories prove that some animals are smart enough to do things at will. They sometimes even do things to manipulate us into giving them what they want like treats and cuddles.

Dogs and cats have also been known to fake an injury or pretend to prolong an existing one because they enjoy the undivided attention their humans give them. Stories like these were the topic of interest in a Reddit forum where pet owners shared the unexpectedly intelligent things they witnessed their pets do.

It's a pretty awesome read that we thought the animal lover inside you would enjoy

It's a pretty awesome read that we thought the animal lover inside you would enjoyGnostic28

1. Dave the cat who protects his human from his night terrors

1. Dave the cat who protects his human from his night terrorsroguish_knickers

2. The cattle dog who didn't want to get in trouble

2. The cattle dog who didn't want to get in troubledarkblue-eyes

3. The used-to-be-tiny dog who bore the pain because the attention was worth it

3. The used-to-be-tiny dog who bore the pain because the attention was worth itOyIdris

4. The labradoodle who could do no wrong

4. The labradoodle who could do no wrongsnoopiku

5. You are her charge and she will herd any of you anytime she wants

5. You are her charge and she will herd any of you anytime she wantsutspg1980

6. The dynamic duo who will never go hungry

6. The dynamic duo who will never go hungrySuzQP

7. The dog who knew exactly what to do to get help

7. The dog who knew exactly what to do to get helpCrabFarts

8. The cats who lost their dog buddy and mourned him

8. The cats who lost their dog buddy and mourned him[deleted]

9. A coonhound who was the master of her territory

9. A coonhound who was the master of her territoryTheGarp

She knew when the kids were picked up by an unusual person and alerted her human about it

She knew when the kids were picked up by an unusual person and alerted her human about itTheGarp

10. "I know you're tricking me, Brenda," said the cat

10. originalchaosinabox

11. The German Shepherd dog who apprehended an intruder

11.  The German Shepherd dog who apprehended an intruderDanDamage12

Had a stroll in town, hunted a squirrel, and was home before 5 PM to greet mom

Had a stroll in town, hunted a squirrel, and was home before 5 PM to greet momDanDamage12

12. The dog who really wanted to go on a trip

12. The dog who really wanted to go on a tripdjeezuskryste

13. The responsible pedestrian

13. The responsible pedestrianKilen13

14. There's nothing like waking up because your alarm clock threatened to break your possessions

14. There's nothing like waking up because your alarm clock threatened to break your possessionslamiller0622

15. The cat who is concerned about their human's health

15. The cat who is concerned about their human's healthhouinator

16. No amount of baby proofing can stop this cunning cat

16. No amount of baby proofing can stop this cunning catpro_ajumma

17. The dog who pulled himself by his pawstraps and got a job

17. The dog who pulled himself by his pawstraps and got a jobputin_my_ass

18. Rudi the rat who is living his best life

18. Rudi the rat who is living his best life[deleted]

19. This hamster who will do no running or standing for that matter

19. This hamster who will do no running or standing for that matterbrandnamenerd

20. This cat who knows that if you want the job done right you have to do it yourself

20. This cat who knows that if you want the job done right you have to do it yourselfBack2Bach

21. The Conure who refused to let his human go

21. The Conure who refused to let his human go[deleted]

And knew exactly where to perch to evade his snatching

And knew exactly where to perch to evade his snatching[deleted]

22. The cat with two personas

22. The cat with two personasBoomToll

23. The dog who figured out the most efficient way to get treats

23. The dog who figured out the most efficient way to get treatsPancakesxBacon

24. I have the gold, give me nutrition

24. I have the gold, give me nutritionBooner999

He also knows where to yack his furball

He also knows where to yack his furballBooner999

25. I am Sir Cat, I do not frolic

25. I am Sir Cat, I do not frolicSuzQP

26. The dog who tracked their missing cat so their mom would stop worrying

26. The dog who tracked their missing cat so their mom would stop worryingShambleau

27. It's a skill he needed for his escape plan

27. It's a skill he needed for his escape planmordred1911

It's pretty amazing to read stories about animals who are unexpectedly intelligent. Science probably says that they can't process emotions and events the way humans do but based on these anecdotes, we are inclined to believe they are pretty intelligent in their own way.

But then again, what do I know? My dog, unlike the ones in this delightful thread, couldn't find his favorite toy if I cover it with a transparent container.
