41 Super Cute Sloth Pics That You Absolutely Must See
Who knew sloths could be so adorable?
- Published in Animal Stories
Sloths are definitely animals with all kinds of mysteries surrounding them. I guess it's just so hard for us to imagine someone so slow in a world that's moving at such a fast pace.
They're actually so slow that they start growing algae and fungi in their fur that help cure cancer. That's just so mind-blowing to us and it really makes it easy to appreciate and show respect to these amazing creatures.
Personally, I wouldn't mind being relaxed and efficient like a sloth is. And I'm not the only one with this opinion because there's actually an International Sloth Day dedicated to these incredible creatures.
Chances are, if you're reading this then you're another person out there who absolutely loves sloths. If you've ever wondered if there was a way you could show some extra love to them or if you would consider actually adopting a sloth then you should visit The Sloth Conservation Foundation.
The foundation is a non-profit organization that could use all the support they can get in their efforts to help our sloth friends.
We wanted to dedicate this list to the cuteness of these lovable creatures. You'll find some of the most adorable sloth pictures out there, along with some super interesting facts about them.
1. This is actually a full grown pigmy sloth, not a baby sloth.
taunyalombardi2. Look into the camera!
mikepacas3. Ecuadorian police officers rescue sloth in the middle of a highway
Comisión de Tránsito del Ecuador4. Fabulous sloth rescued by a couple of firefighters
Décimo Primeiro Gb Pmesp5. A day at the spa
chuwieelgalan6. This baby sloth is ready for bed
Dancing_Cthulhu7. Two adorable baby sloths cuddling
carobrun8. Adorable little baby
ohhdemgirls9. Hugged by a sloth
hootersbutwithcats10. Sloth meets dolphin
Floridadinosaurs11. Peekaboo
thegrayman12. The cauliflower put him to sleep
Reic13. A joyful little baby sloth
OreoOreo14. Sloth tea
Sam Trull15. He's just chilling
kevinallen16. Another sloth hug!
bakedfish17. They look alike
Venti_PCP_Latte18. Family time
jannapanda19. So adorable!
Turtley20. Albino sloth
crioce21. A kid and his sloth
unicorneddonkeys22. Spiderman kiss
Micheleneil7023. Can't tell who's happier
Alecohe24. Sleepy time for baby sloth
Slotholas_Cage25. Little sloth playing with his toys
reddit.com26. These sloth hugs are adorable
goodlyearth27. Carrying a sloth
imgur.com28. Sloth carrying his baby
rednaxlea29. He learns at a slightly lower pace than the rest
squinn201430. Those eyes will melt your heart
costaricaanimalrescuecenter.org31. This sloth insisted on taking a selfie with his new friends
Feodorp32. Sloth wine
snowfey33. B L E P
pnewell34. He's a ballerina
VTskier4735. He has to climb it again
thegrayman36. Well-fed sloth taking a deserved nap
PigBeanis37. Rescuing a sloth!
OhManThisIsAwkward38. In the spirit of Halloween
toucanrescueranch39. Nothing like that morning stretch
obscurelypopular40. Pure happiness
annoymous5241. He's imagining a microphone
pnewellGoing through these adorable photos of our sloth friends has been a wonderful way to boost serotonin levels. I'll be completely honest, I had no idea sloths could ever be this adorable.
I guess most people just don't really think of sloths when they hear the word adorable. But that's exactly what they are and hopefully, this will raise more awareness about the dangerous situation these poor little animals are in.
Be sure to visit The Sloth Conservation Foundation and see what you could do to help our amazing friends.