Woman Claims To Break Out In Hives Due To Cat "Allergies" Only After Learning That She's Been Around One For A Week
"My sister is 'allergic' to cats the way people are allergic to tomatoes but have no problem eating salsa."

The uptick of stories about people who fake allergies to hide their dislike for something is surprising. Is it about controlling others or another way to get what they want without resistance?
No matter the reason, this Redditor will no longer put up with it. The OP grew up with a sister who faked a cat allergy to prevent her from having one as a pet.
Adopting a cat was one of the first things OP did when she got her own place. Jonathan, her cat, is a loveable jerk who likes his own space.
The only people he tolerates are OP and her boyfriend. Jonathan rules the house like his own kingdom but hides in the bedroom when OP has visitors.
OP agreed to host his sister for a week recently. She was in town to go to several job interviews, so OP agreed to let her stay.
OP works from home while Jonathan roamed and lounged in different areas all day. He hides in the bedroom whenever OP's sister went home from one of her interviews.
It was a nice but uneventful week during her sister's stay. Her sister even invited OP to dinner to thank her for letting her stay in her house for an entire week.
They were also celebrating because she was offered one of the jobs she interviewed for

She asked if she can rent a room from OP for a month or two before she finds her own place. OP agreed, but said it would be better for her sister to get used to Jonathan if she wants to temporarily live with them.

Her sister was confused because OP's boyfriend was named Trevor. OP clarified that Jonathan was a cat. Her sister asked OP not to adopt a cat since she will be living with her.

OP informed her sister that Jonathan has been with her for two years. Her sister complained to their parents that OP exposed her to a cat which made her break out in hives. OP told them she won't put up with her sister's "allergies," but she is more than happy to let her stay with her for a month or two.

How sure is OP that her sister has been faking this allergy all along?

OP is allergic to dogs, so her sister faked a cat allergy. Neither of them can get the pets they desired that way.

OP's sister is willing to lie to get her way then

It doesn't really seem like she did a lot of growing up, OP

I wouldn't allow her to stay for a month after what happened. Jonathan might mysteriously disappear.

Telling OP she can't have a cat in her own home because her sister with fake allergies is planning to stay with her is peak entitlement

Spoiled children really do grow to become entitled adults

Her sister can look for other living arrangements when she accepts the job offer since OP's house makes her break out in imaginary hives

She can't make OP get rid of Jonathan just so she can live with OP for a month or two

Besides, why would she want to stay in a house where there is cat hair everywhere?

Jonathan is a better housemate than OP's sister anyway. Unlike her, he doesn't fake allergies to get what he wants.

If OP still allows her sister to stay with her, we fear what she might do to Jonathan. She could accidentally leave a door open and wouldn't you know it, the cat escaped!
OP was voted not the a**hole for keeping Jonathan a secret from her sister. Just do the grown-up thing — say you don't like cats.