Single Mom Resorts To Putting Sign On Child's Back Because Society Is Ridiculously Nosey And Accusing Amidst This Pandemic

All the single parents out there will relate to this without a doubt.

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Single Mom Resorts To Putting Sign On Child's Back Because Society Is Ridiculously Nosey And Accusing Amidst This Pandemic

Unfortunately the coronavirus pandemic has revealed people in their true form of character. Hoarding, judging, manipulating, and not adhering to social distancing regulations.

While others give up their home lives to be on the front-line, put their own health at risk by caring for the ill. Visiting nursing homes on the outside to give the elderly hope, grocery shopping for those most at risk, the list goes on and on.

There's quite a divide in our society right now, and MaryAnn Fausey Resendez teetered down the middle when she had to take her 5 year old daughter with her to the grocery store. Since she is the only adult in her household, there was no way she couldn't take her daughter with her when they needed to replenish their groceries.

So she solved the unnerving issue she knew she would endure: Explaining to strangers WHY her young child was in the store with her. The Texan Mama has since gone viral in her original Facebook post, it's gotten over 43k shares, 5.2k comments, and over 6.3k likes/loves.

The fierce Mama's original post reads as follows:

The fierce Mama's original post reads as follows:Facebook

You go Mama!

You go Mama!MaryAnn Fausey Resendez

Personally I would've wrote 10' feet... If you can read the sign you're too close folks!

Personally I would've wrote 10' feet... If you can read the sign you're too close folks!MaryAnn Fausey Resendez

You can see the fierceness in her eyes. Mama Bear takes no sh!t.

You can see the fierceness in her eyes. Mama Bear takes no sh!t.MaryAnn Fausey Resendez

Many other parents expressed that they faced the same dilemma as MaryAnn, while others pointed out that no good has come from ever judging another parent- So why in the world are we doing it during a global pandemic.

Of course there were commenters that used their voice to say that, bringing children into grocery stores during this time carried with it many unknowns and was potentially dangerous.

They also informed readers that there were regulations in place dictating that only one person from each family is to be shopping at any given time.

However, when that was put in place I don't believe those in power considered single parents at all.

Considering if they were to follow this regulation as I'm certain no parent wants to knowingly put their child in danger, that would mean they'd be leaving their children at home alone, and again left to being scrutinized by society.

In a nutshell, there is no right answer for them. I'm mostly just sorry, to all those out there that are being faced with this insanely sharp of a double-edge-sword, in these already trying times.


The Mama Bear even goes as far to explain herself in full detail:

The Mama Bear even goes as far to explain herself in full detail:Facebook

Provided with photos of her process. Gah, I hate that this was even a thing she had to do.

Provided with photos of her process. Gah, I hate that this was even a thing she had to do.MaryAnn Fausey Resendez

While statistics show that there are over 20k single parents in the U.S., it's safe to say that they're all struggling during this quarantine.

In San Francisco, and California, almost a 1/4 of all families with children are single-parent-households. In fact that number is over 1/3 in Hidalgo County in Texas, where MaryAnn resides.

Not everyone has help, and somewhere along the lines that seems to of been forgotten.

Personally I'm married, so my current situation is exponentially different. Being that my husband is currently our grocery shopping tribute, but I can testify to the fact that we had little to no outside help back when society was "normal". And I thank my lucky stars daily that we don't have to put our children at risk.

No parent deliberately wants to put their children in harms way. Especially during a novel pandemic.

Parents are out there doing whatever they have to do to survive during this unprecedented times, especially those with only themselves to rely on.

A 26yo startup founder, Izabel Arnold, who happens to also be a single mom is just another example of a parent stuck in a sticky situation with no real solution.

She spoke to the San Francisco Chronicle and explained that she is entirely overwhelmed by the situation and incredibly lovely. “I think other working single moms share the same sentiment—that we feel we’re failing at our jobs and at being moms because both require our full attention, but neither can have it,” she said as she shared her struggles over discover the proper balance between making sure her bills are paid and raising her child the best way she possibly can.

Izabel divulged the fact that she no longer sees her parents, simply because she's afraid of exposing them to the virus.

All the while her daycare has been closed, leaving taking care of her son entirely up to her, all day, every day.


Then the Facebook community weighed in... And I completely agree with this commenter.

Then the Facebook community weighed in... And I completely agree with this commenter.Facebook

Why is this so difficult to grasp?!

Why is this so difficult to grasp?!Facebook

Round of applause goes out to 👇

Round of applause goes out to 👇Facebook

When are we going to stop trying to dictate how others parent their children?!

When are we going to stop trying to dictate how others parent their children?!Facebook



Although not everything is "available" at grocery pickup, and you can't get WIC on grocery pickup either!

Although not everything is Facebook

Prayers to you Mama!

Prayers to you Mama!Facebook

Yes, yes, yes!

Yes, yes, yes!Facebook







Tell it like it is, 👏

Tell it like it is, 👏Facebook

Keep on keepin on, forget everyone elses opinion!

Keep on keepin on, forget everyone elses opinion!Facebook

Agreed! She seems to be doing the very best that she can!

Agreed! She seems to be doing the very best that she can!Facebook