45 Funny Signage Fails Courtesy Of People Who Didn't Bother Thinking Their Messages Through

Try making sense of them, but don't hurt yourself in the process.

  • Published in Funny
45 Funny Signage Fails Courtesy Of People Who Didn't Bother Thinking Their Messages Through

Some messages you see on signages, street signs, and shirts don't make sense. You gave them a second look and then a third look but to no avail.

You might even find yourself turning your head upside down or asking your friend to decipher the message with you. Yet, none of these things helped either.

If you're curious where you'll a wealth of such messages, there is one subreddit focusing on them. The community is called Don't Dead Open Inside and has 641K members.

Just like most subreddits, the idea to create it didn't just pop out of nowhere. It originated from a trope that caught the internet's attention.

The name of the subreddit was once used for a poster for the popular TV series, The Walking Dead. It was first revealed in 2010, and to this day, the trope remains popular.

In a Know Your Meme entry, the series' poster had a photo of a double door. On the left side, "Don't Open" is written and on the right side, "Dead Inside" is written.

But if people go line by line, it would read "Don't dead open inside." And thus, the subreddit was born.

Today, we compiled 45 photos with a messaging style that's the same as the infamous poster. And let us remind you to stop making sense of them and appreciate the laughs they bring, instead.

This one's easy. Just concentrate on one color.

This one's easy. Just concentrate on one color.Praninggerzi

No he doesn't.

No he doesn't.Comet_Dawn

Make up your mind!

Make up your mind!manby

Poor kids.

Poor kids.Greasfire11

Well that's confusing.

Well that's confusing.StrongbowPowers

So, this sign is about the five children, or?

So, this sign is about the five children, or?dontdeadopeninside

Don't spoil the fun!

Don't spoil the fun!Reddituser4678213

The exact opposite of the message they're trying to convey.

The exact opposite of the message they're trying to convey.dontdeadopeninside

What's the point of this?

What's the point of this?caiia_

People ain't gonna buy that stuff

People ain't gonna buy that stuffMaqwheel

It came out differently.

It came out differently.maximum_chungus

Can you read them?

Can you read them?_awwsmm

Oh dear...

Oh dear...long-time-lurker-

He's Dond.

He's Dond.bestgrandson

"Stand Hong With Kong"


Why thank you!

Why thank you!Mad_Mark90

That's scary!

That's scary!MrGrampton

Ever heard of cheese disease?

Ever heard of cheese disease?JonyIveAces

Sounds like a name of a food

Sounds like a name of a foodmorecatslesspeople

Just dip it, I guess.

Just dip it, I guess.JimMorrisonsPetFrog

We all love the planet Earth, but the message just doesn't come across.

We all love the planet Earth, but the message just doesn't come across.SoddingOpossum

Don't! Just don't!

Don't! Just don't!KeLo2510

Good luck trying to understand that.

Good luck trying to understand that.rdeddit

Ray Ray would be sad.

Ray Ray would be sad.cdsackett

No, it isn't.

No, it isn't.BenTechLabs

Laser what now?

Laser what now?plsiwanttosleep

How not to be inspiring

How not to be inspiringlittlefisch2020

A redditor's hometown parade

A redditor's hometown paradeFarnhza

But how?

But how?JGolden32

If someone shouldn't be trusted, it's probably the one who inked this.

If someone shouldn't be trusted, it's probably the one who inked this.drewwhis

That did not make sense at all.

That did not make sense at all.reddit.com

Who approved this?

Who approved this?JoeyJelly1

Only for Russians.

Only for Russians.Sheeple_26

Is your back ready?

Is your back ready?porkstick

That spelling, though.

That spelling, though.Pyrox888

Just a university dorm poster

Just a university dorm postercolonelpanic762

What you end up writing when you're high

What you end up writing when you're highacookie2

The teachers must be mad about this.

The teachers must be mad about this.tanooki_hardaway

Sounds like a syndicate

Sounds like a syndicatearmchairnixon

Guy shares his girlfriend's tiles

Guy shares his girlfriend's tilesLaveys_Fvcktoy

A new kind of disease and a new kind of vaccine, I guess?

A new kind of disease and a new kind of vaccine, I guess?waink8

That's not something you should write in a classroom.

That's not something you should write in a classroom.The--Sentinel

So you're pregnat? Okay, we get it.

So you're pregnat? Okay, we get it.QuinnJet

Your head will hurt.

Your head will hurt.TheCunningLinguist89

We have Maybe and we also have Don't

We have Maybe and we also have Don'tRoyLifestyle

Can you understand what these signs were trying to say?

A lot of them didn't make sense at all. So, good luck!

All thanks to The Walking Dead poster, people on the internet have things to poke fun at. If your head isn't spinning yet from all those confusing phrases, head over to the DDOI subreddit.
