Redditor Buys Siblings Out Of Inheritance, Then Strikes Gold As Property Value Triples - Now Their Siblings Return To Demand Slice Of Jackpot

“They’re demanding I split the profit because it was their house too.”

Redditor Buys Siblings Out Of Inheritance, Then Strikes Gold As Property Value Triples - Now Their Siblings Return To Demand Slice Of Jackpot

Back In 2018, tragedy struck, and our narrator's (Original Poster’s) mom passed away. She left behind not just memories but a unique house and a sizable inheritance for each sibling.

Soon enough, a dispute arose over the fate of the family home. While their siblings leaned towards selling the house for a quick cash split, OP harbored a deep connection to the house.

To them, it was more than just bricks and mortar. Moreover, they believed the house would serve them better than a fast pile of cash. OP offered to buy their siblings out, and they accepted without any hassle.

OP’s entire cash inheritance plus a dash of personal savings was enough to seal the deal. It was a win-win; the siblings got their cash, and the house remained within the family—perfect.

It wasn’t long before OP’s siblings burned through their new fortune. Their brother acquired a Maserati and hopped between exotic vacation spots, while the sister invested hers into a super expensive boat.

As for OP, they moved in with their spouse, and a mini OP was soon running around within those walls. Years went by, and the city grew at an alarming rate; safe to say property value had essentially tripled.

Cash offers came pouring in, but OP was determined not to sell. However, life happened, and the house was reluctantly put on the market to facilitate OP’s move.

It sold pretty fast, but now the siblings demand a slice of the jackpot. What's surprising? The money-hungry squad managed to rally most of the family’s support. Everyone seemed to have conveniently forgotten when they cashed in their own shares.

Was OP wrong for not splitting the proceeds?

The story in detail

The story in

OP’s siblings wanted to sell the house their mom left for them and share the money. However, OP offered to buy them out and keep the property

OP’s siblings wanted to sell the house their mom left for them and share the money. However, OP offered to buy them out and keep the

OP paid and moved into the house while their siblings used their shares for different frivolities

OP paid and moved into the house while their siblings used their shares for different

Years later, OP sold the house for triple the initial value. Now their siblings want a share of the profit

Years later, OP sold the house for triple the initial value. Now their siblings want a share of the

The situation has become toxic over the past few months and their extended family is backing their siblings

The situation has become toxic over the past few months and their extended family is backing their

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

“They chose to spend their inheritance while you chose to invest yours. Now that they’ve pissed theirs away.”

“They chose to spend their inheritance while you chose to invest yours. Now that they’ve pissed theirs away.”

“NTA. It's not your fault that the house is worth more now than when you bought out your siblings.”

“NTA. It's not your fault that the house is worth more now than when you bought out your siblings.”

“NTA. They have no argument and no standing. The people in your family on their side are idiots.”

“NTA. They have no argument and no standing. The people in your family on their side are idiots.”

“NTA. This would be like the previous owners of my house asking to split the profit with me when I choose to sell.”

“NTA.     This would be like the previous owners of my house asking to split the profit with me when I choose to sell.”

“NTA. Hell no, you are not an AH and your siblings are not entitled to any proceeds if you sell your house.”

“NTA. Hell no, you are not an AH and your siblings are not entitled to any proceeds if you sell your house.”

“NTA. If the housing market would have crashed they would surely not compensate you for any losses.“

“NTA. If the housing market would have crashed they would surely not compensate you for any losses.“

Redditors backed OP up, pointing out that the sale was made with their eyes wide open. They got their money, and OP got the house. They shouldn’t be mad OP’s investment paid off.

Many exclaimed It's akin to someone expecting a cut from a house they sold years ago, all because its value soared. Things didn’t work like that.

The consensus? Stay firm, OP; you earned your success fair and square.

What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments.
