These Tips Could Save Your Life In The Event Of Encountering An Active Shooter Anywhere

Times have changed folks, active shooter drills need to be a thing. These tips will help you survive in the event of.

These Tips Could Save Your Life In The Event Of Encountering An Active Shooter Anywhere

I'm very much considering homeschooling my children for this reason among many others, but this one for sure takes the cake. It doesn't feel like very long ago I was in school, (but it's actually been over 10 years) and I can honestly say we did not ever do shooter drill training. We actively did archery in P.E. (don't worry, no one ever got hurt.) We had a plan for tornadoes, (we live in tornado alley), we had fire drills. We even had emergency bus evacuation drills. But to anticipate a shooter entering our school? I not once ever had that thought cross my mind.

After all of the shootings literally in the last decade, it's no surprise better precautions are being made and that parents are terrified of simply send their kids to school. It's a sad world we live in folks. We depend on the teachers to protect our kids while they're away from us, and it warms my heart to hear about teachers taking the initiative and going the extra mile to insure safety.

Check out these tips below, they just might save your life.

Sometimes it only takes one to take a stand and make a difference. This is 'V', she so humbly wanted to share highlights from her training with the world.

Sometimes it only takes one to take a stand and make a difference. This is 'V', she so humbly wanted to share highlights from her training with the world. @lareinavicc

Bless this woman.

Bless this woman.@lareinavicc

I so badly wish mental health was taken more seriously. We need to change this in order to change the world y'all.

I so badly wish mental health was taken more seriously. We need to change this in order to change the world y'all.@lareinavicc



So everyone everywhere needs to read this. Better share for the world to see!

So everyone everywhere needs to read this. Better share for the world to see!@lareinavicc

A. AVOID. Do not freeze. If you recognize this in yourself, attempting to break that cycle should definitely be a priority.

A. AVOID. Do not freeze. If you recognize this in yourself, attempting to break that cycle should definitely be a priority.@lareinavicc

I would gladly also add, A goes with AWARE, staying diligent no matter where you are makes all the difference. ACT always. It literally is the difference between life and death.

I would gladly also add, A goes with AWARE, staying diligent no matter where you are makes all the difference. ACT always. It literally is the difference between life and death.@lareinavicc

Protecting your loved ones and those around is priority. Maintaining logic in these scenarios is dire.

Protecting your loved ones and those around is priority. Maintaining logic in these scenarios is dire.@lareinavicc

Again with AWARE, always analyse your surroundings. Move things. stay ACTIVE.

Again with AWARE, always analyse your surroundings. Move things. stay ACTIVE. @lareinavicc

Think think think. Make plan A B C D and E in a flash, so it's best to have ideas prior to.

Think think think. Make plan A B C D and E in a flash, so it's best to have ideas prior to.@lareinavicc

So many uses with a simple door stop.

So many uses with a simple door stop.@lareinavicc

This is genius.

This is genius.@lareinavicc

Knot, wrap and knot again.

Knot, wrap and knot again.@lareinavicc



By connection the cord to the doorknob in anyway is going to give extra time to run, hide, or for the shooter to give up and move on.

By connection the cord to the doorknob in anyway is going to give extra time to run, hide, or for the shooter to give up and move on.@lareinavicc

You do not EVER want to be in the direct line of eyesight when the door opens, you wanna be as far behind it as possible. Lining the wall is truly the best place you could be.

You do not EVER want to be in the direct line of eyesight when the door opens, you wanna be as far behind it as possible. Lining the wall is truly the best place you could be.@lareinavicc

PLEASE don't hide, you become a very large target with your back literally pressed against a corner.

PLEASE don't hide, you become a very large target with your back literally pressed against a corner. @lareinavicc

If you can, count the number of times you hear a shot fired. That could also save your life, and give you added seconds to flee.

If you can, count the number of times you hear a shot fired. That could also save your life, and give you added seconds to flee.@lareinavicc

Have a plan if you become face to face with the shooter.

Have a plan if you become face to face with the shooter.@lareinavicc

Do it quickly but do it with great intent.

Do it quickly but do it with great intent.@lareinavicc

The longer you can go without him/her seeing you, the better. Surprise is the best element.

The longer you can go without him/her seeing you, the better. Surprise is the best element.@lareinavicc

Throw something across the room, the shooter will aim for it, but be sure to move your feet after, as they will use their eyes to revert back to where it came from.

Throw something across the room, the shooter will aim for it, but be sure to move your feet after, as they will use their eyes to revert back to where it came from.@lareinavicc



Also go for the chest/stomach area, a direct blow there will likely knock the gun out of their hands completely.

Also go for the chest/stomach area, a direct blow there will likely knock the gun out of their hands completely.@lareinavicc

For those of you who are not well versed in guns, graphic below. But also I very much urge you to become comfortable with a gun. Take a class, the more you know the better. Remember, knowledge is power.

For those of you who are not well versed in guns, graphic below. But also I very much urge you to become comfortable with a gun. Take a class, the more you know the better. Remember, knowledge is power.@lareinavicc

Punch, Kick, Hit, Throw sh!t. BEAT DOWN.

Punch, Kick, Hit, Throw sh!t. BEAT DOWN.@lareinavicc

There's where that blow to the stomach comes into play again, it would pretty obviously reveal anything else they're carrying. In their pants, on their belt buckle. Use your eyes. They're your best tool.

There's where that blow to the stomach comes into play again, it would pretty obviously reveal anything else they're carrying. In their pants, on their belt buckle. Use your eyes. They're your best tool.@lareinavicc

I'd rather you use your shoe than the gun. Kicking the gun away immediately prevents it from getting BACK into the hands of the shooter. But yes, between the eyes with the butt of the gun.

I'd rather you use your shoe than the gun. Kicking the gun away immediately prevents it from getting BACK into the hands of the shooter. But yes, between the eyes with the butt of the gun. @lareinavicc

Even when you're hurt, adrenaline kicks in. Believe in yourself. Confidence definitely plays a factor here. Fight through your fear.

Even when you're hurt, adrenaline kicks in. Believe in yourself. Confidence definitely plays a factor here. Fight through your fear.@lareinavicc

Never would've thought of these.

Never would've thought of these.@lareinavicc

Love the simplicity of this yet still so effective.

Love the simplicity of this yet still so effective.@lareinavicc

Cutting off circulation prevents blood loss, preventing more loss is crucial. Use your brain! Be creative.

Cutting off circulation prevents blood loss, preventing more loss is crucial. Use your brain! Be creative.@lareinavicc

Remember to tie it BEHIND the flow of blood.

Remember to tie it BEHIND the flow of blood.@lareinavicc

Of course panic will set in, but don't let it take control.

Of course panic will set in, but don't let it take control. @lareinavicc

I appreciate you so much for going the distance for your students!

I appreciate you so much for going the distance for your students!@lareinavicc

Sometimes panic sets in and truthfully teachers need training to be able to stay calm if this situation arises.

Sometimes panic sets in and truthfully teachers need training to be able to stay calm if this situation arises.@lareinavicc

I firmly believe teachers should be well equipped with shooter training and I know some may disagree but, teachers should also be allowed to conceal carry. While there are vigorous background checks and legitimate classes that have to be taken to obtain said permit.

I firmly believe teachers should be well equipped with shooter training and I know some may disagree but, teachers should also be allowed to conceal carry. While there are vigorous background checks and legitimate classes that have to be taken to obtain said permit. @lareinavicc

Everywhere you go, look for the exits.

Everywhere you go, look for the exits. @lareinavicc

Stay diligent my friends. Do you have anything to add here? Let us know in the comments!
