30 Terrible Designs That Are So Bad They Had To Be Shamed In The “You Can’t Just Slap Some Fabric Together And Call It A Dress” Facebook Group
It's only the outfits that gets shamed, not the people wearing them!
We like to believe that we have an eye for what looks good—and what doesn't—in terms of fashion. You must first put your confidence on!
Don't allow your clothing to wear you; instead, wear them! And for the love of God, have a fashionable friend you can ask for a frank assessment of your attire.
A wonderfully funny and magical part of the internet called "You can't just slap some fabric together and call it a dress" documents an intriguing phenomenon: the complete lack of fashion sense. The Facebook group's members subtly make fun of odd dress designs that don't work.
Over 60K Facebook users made the online community their home. Nobody should shame other persons or bodies, the mod and admin teams emphasize.
“We also are only shaming dresses. No shoes, hats, shirts, pants, etc. We take this very seriously. Hate isn’t welcomed.”
Additionally, the team has the final say in whether a post appears in the group's feed. Find a dress that is more hideous if you discover that your photo was rejected.
The focus of the group at first was ugly wedding gowns. They didn't broaden the page's scope until much later.
So dear readers, are you ready to take a walk down the runway for some pretty incredible creations? Trust me when I say that nothing will compel you to exclaim, "Oh, goodness, no!" if these don't.
1. Btw It's $1300
Caitlyn Michelle Dennison
2. This Is From Thom Brown’s Ready To Wear Collection. Did Mickey Mouse Get Drunk And Tried On Minnie’s Clothes Before Getting Into An Bar Fight?
Amber Sayre
3. What In The Freshly Groomed Poodle Is This. (Ultra Famous So Haven’t Concealed Identity)
Romi Tollman
4. When Ur Creepy Uncle Tries To Tickle You At The Family Reunion
Sara Briner
5. I Don’t Even Know What Is Going On But All This Can Be Yours For Only $1,590
Whitney Whitney
6. Wow Could This Get Uglier?
Courtney Rene
7. For Those Growing Up In The 2000s, Can We All Take A Moment To Remember Harper Finkle From Wizards Of Waverly Place? What An Icon
Allie Marie Zayas
8. Sleeping Bag Inspired?
Skyy Noelle
9. Idk How They Can Call This A Dress…
Katie O'Neill
10. Somebody Needs To Do A Wellness Check On Louis Vuitton. They Seem To Have Seriously Gone Off The Rails! The Current Collection Swings From Bdsm To Girly, Frilly Baby Doll Dresses
Lyn Beavers
11. I Didn’t Cover The Face Bc It’s Lizzo. I Love Her But That Is A Bed Sheet
Lee Heisler
12. Why Have Just One Wedding Dress When You Can Combine Ten In A Hideous Mish-Mash?
Kate London KA
13. For A $1500, You Too Can Look Like Car Wash Brush
Meltem Çoban
14. Was Reading A Fb Article. Tons Of Wedding Dresses But This One Takes The Cake
Heidi Hernandez
15. I Do Not Understand Fashion
16. $800 For Old Timey Underwear, Folks
Caitlyn Michelle Dennison
17. So So Many Questions!
Anna Phillips
18. Not Hiding Faces Cos This Person Is Famous. Just... Um. Why?
Matti Aveiro Dos Santos
19. Confused As To How They Got It On
Jessica Griffiths
20. Even The Designer Knew This Was Horrendous!
Jay West
21. Looks Like A Shower Curtain
Nadia Altom
22. Oh- Oh My
Juné P. Tiamatakorn
23. I Want This To Be Camp So Bad But It Just Hurts
Hint Fashion Magazine
24. What Is This Yellow Dress Thing Whatever
Svenja Goldhagen
25. For Sale On Shein. I'm Sure Everyone Will Run Right Out And Snag This Beauty
Judi Curington Baker
26. If You Took The Sleeves Off This It Wouldn't Be As Bad
Marlaina Perez
27. Ugh The Tiktokers Are At It Again Not Censoring Their Face B/C They’re Verified On Tiktok
Breanna Lawther
28. Is She Coming From A Wrestling Tournament That Took Place In The Mud?
Valeria Volpe
29. So Creative
Nick Emuchay
30. I Absolutely Hate It
Kara Wilson
The world of fashion is truly something else, right? There are designs that you see and you know they're out of this world.
Which outfits made you facepalm while shaking your head? Was there any outfit that you genuinely loved?
Go ahead and share them with us in detail in the comments. Just keep in mind that while criticizing the clothing is totally OK, never make fun of the person wearing it!