Service Dog Heroically Saves Owner During Seizure At Grocery Store

“He undoubtedly saved my life.”

Service Dog Heroically Saves Owner During Seizure At Grocery Store

Service dogs are extraordinary animals trained to provide invaluable assistance to people dealing with a variety of medical conditions. These dogs undergo rigorous training programs to master specific skills tailored to the needs of their future owners.

This can range from guiding people with visual impairments to alerting those with hearing loss and even detecting life-threatening conditions like seizures or low blood sugar levels in diabetics. What sets these animals apart is their ability to sense changes in human physiology, often before their owners are aware that something is wrong.

They're trained to act in a particular way in response to these cues, whether it's fetching medication, pressing an emergency button, or, like in Amber Laudicina's case, barking to alert their owner and others nearby of a medical emergency.

One striking example of this can be seen in a recent video featuring Amber Laudicina, a North Carolina resident who experiences unexpected seizures due to brain damage from chemotherapy treatment for a tumor she had in 2010.

In the video, Amber is at her local Harris Teeter supermarket, accompanied by Koda, her 11-month-old service dog in training. While browsing through the aisles, Amber started showing signs of an impending seizure—her body language became sluggish, and her movements unsteady.

Before she could fully register what was happening, Koda sensed the situation and began barking to alert her. When Amber eventually fell to the floor as the seizure took hold, Koda remained by her side, guarding her to ensure she didn't sustain further injury.

The quick response by Koda serves as a powerful testament to the life-saving capabilities of service dogs, as well as the deep bond they share with their owners.

Amber Laudicina from North Carolina experiences unexpected seizures due to brain damage from chemotherapy treatment for a tumor she had in 2010.

Amber Laudicina from North Carolina experiences unexpected seizures due to brain damage from chemotherapy treatment for a tumor she had in 2010.TikTok/@koda_sd_in_training

Amber is at her local Harris Teeter supermarket, accompanied by Koda, her 11-month-old service dog in training.

Amber is at her local Harris Teeter supermarket, accompanied by Koda, her 11-month-old service dog in training.TikTok/@koda_sd_in_training

Even though Koda was still in a learning phase, he sensed that something was wrong and raised an alarm with his bark. An observant employee who recognized them noticed Koda's alert behavior and swiftly called for emergency services.

Throughout this ordeal, Koda remained steadfast by Amber's side, keeping a watchful eye on her. While still in training and perhaps somewhat limited by his leash, Amber felt that Koda did an exceptional job under the circumstances.

Amber started showing signs of an impending seizure—her body language became sluggish, and her movements unsteady. Koda reacted immediately

“He undoubtedly saved my life,” the woman said. “He prevented me from actually getting hurt and ending up in a hospital with a concussion or something worse…You can train and train for this but you don’t know how far you’ve come until it actually happens.”

Amber started showing signs of an impending seizure—her body language became sluggish, and her movements unsteady. Koda reacted immediatelyTikTok/@koda_sd_in_training

Additionally, Amber gave thanks for the outstanding support from the supermarket employees, mentioning that they really went the extra mile to help out.

“Normally, employees don’t stay with me or offer much support. They usually just wait for the EMTs to arrive,” Amber explained. “[The staff] pulled out all the stops. For as long as I have had service dogs and as long as I have actually been sick, I have never experienced someone take on a situation like she [the store’s assistant manager] did.”

Watch the video:

Amber has created a GoFundMe campaign to collect funds as a way to show appreciation to the store's employee who helped save her life.

@koda_sd_in_training TW: Real Time True Seizure Occurs - this shows the amazing staff at my local Harris and Teeter handling this situation amazingly from beginning to end when medics arrived. Koda is still learning and did very well. The leash unfortunately contributed to a lot of his tasking issues and now tells me he needs to b on a traffic lead. You can train and train for this but you dont know how far youve come until it actually happens. I cant predict my episodes so its truly rare for me to catch it on film. Not that I like showing me in this state, I felt it’s important to show why you shouldnt mess w service dogs. He knew something was up and I should have known better to not be out the way ive been feeling. The first time her barked i wasnt 100% he was truly alerting but after, it was clear and I listened. Now I can know to trust his alerts more and more :) home and resting now. #canecorso #canecorsoitaliano #servicedog #servicedogintraining #servicedogsoftikok #canecorsoservicedogintraining #servicesogprospect #servicedogteam #mastiffsoftiktok #dogtraining #puppytraining101 #puppytraining ♬ 10 minutes BGM for light training such as yoga(845880) - kakumaru

It's not just about physical tasks, either. The emotional support provided by a service dog can have an immense psychological benefit.

Their constant presence serves as an emotional anchor, reducing anxiety and stress, which can be particularly crucial for conditions like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Moreover, the relationship between a service dog and its owner is often incredibly strong, nurtured by mutual care and the daily rituals of life.

This bond goes beyond that of owner and pet; it's a partnership where each knows their role and provides a type of support that can't easily be replaced. This is why service dogs are considered more than just pets.

They are life-enhancing—and sometimes life-saving—partners, trained to offer a level of care and understanding that is nothing short of extraordinary.
