Dog Owner Plans To Punish Pet That Doesn't Come To Them, Gets Nasty Criticisms From Dog Lovers Online
![Dog Owner Plans To Punish Pet That Doesn't Come To Them, Gets Nasty Criticisms From Dog Lovers Online](
We need to get rid of these double standards asap.
Saying that rules apply to everyone without any exceptions would be a huge fat lie and everyone who spent a decent amount of time on this earth would fully agree with that statement. Rules simply do not apply to a minority of people in the world and you will notice that pretty much in every aspect of life, either in the workplace, school, or even in your own household.
Double standards are basically everywhere and you can never escape them. Each one of us is particularly more annoyed about one or more specific double standards, but that does not mean that the rest of them simply disappear just because they do not affect us personally.
We usually become more and more aware of the many double standards in this world the older we get. Reddit user u/WistfulNightSky asked “What double standard are you tired of?” on r/AskReddit, and they got some pretty interesting responses from many users that explained in detail why they dislike that particular double standard.
You might already be aware of some of these double standards and you might learn about more that you didn't even know existed. Scroll down below and check them out for yourself!
People telling fat people to lose weight but then getting angry at us when we dare show our face in gyms and laugh at us while we exercise, get upset that companies make work out clothes for us because it’s “promoting obesity”, or making comments on every little thing we eat even if it is considered “healthy” when a skinny person who has a metabolism as fast as the flash could post themselves eating an entire pizza and people would be like, “mood” or “that’s so cute!” Or get angry at us for legitimately just existing. I’ll post a picture that isn’t promoting binge eating or ANYTHING of the sort, it’ll be just a picture of me in a dress, and I’ll be bombarded with vile comments for… posting a picture.
Consumers are expected to curb the use of their plastic waste and carbon by corporations and regulatory bodies alike while Nestlé will destroy a natural habitat to make bottled water in plastic bottles and dump the waste into your grandma's urn if its affordable.
The fact that someone can punished for defending themselves when no one else would, in my experience worse, is bullsh*t to me. Example a former bullied kid that punched back and got screwed
I have to be exactly on time for an appointment or risk a fine and no appointment. Yet a doctor can make you wait hours sometimes without even a "thank you for waiting" or "sorry about the wait"
There are a lot of double standards between the genders that need to die, many of which have been touched on in the thread, but I'll share one from quite literally a few days ago.
I'm male and have a pretty good-sized beard. At a social gathering the other day, a woman complimented it but then asked "Do you ever let people stroke it?" I replied that I did not, but then another woman spoke up with "Well why not? Isn't it flattering? Wouldn't you like the attention?" Not at all hostile, just blatantly "Why not?"
To that I replied "How would you feel if someone walked up to you and said 'Oh I love your hair, can I run my fingers through it?'" while miming making a stroking motion.
She recoiled and said "Of course not. That's super creepy." Followed almost a second later by a round-eyed "OH."
Ladies/Gentlemen, if you don't want someone doing it to you, then why would you think it would be okay for you to do it to someone else?
After swim practice when I was 11 my "friends" pushed me out of the shower room and held the door closed when a bunch of older ladies were getting together for water aerobics. One of em was my teacher. They laughed and I just stood there naked pushing on a door. Nobody got in trouble.
If they pushed a girl naked out of the locker room and held the door it'd be on the news.
How it’s perfectly okay for a potential employer to ask your salary expectations even before an interview, but a candidate asking what the job pays is somehow a red flag for HR and a big no-no.
Like, if all the employer cares about is what I will cost them (before learning anything else about me), then I should be able to f*cking ask too. But no, I’m branded as only caring about money. And you don’t you corporate prick?
Young adult women: old enough to decide that they permanently want to have/raise a child, not old enough to decide whether they want to permanently NOT have children. I lucked into a good doctor that gave me a hysterectomy at 29, but that's an extreme rarity.
I am gay, and the amount of times friends, family, and coworkers will point at a man being mildly effeminate and whisper "I think he plays for your team" is nauseating. Like, dude, he's literally married to a woman and has kids. Just because he talks in a slightly higher pitch does not mean he wants the D.
Struggled with social interactions growing up. Half of my life was people telling me not to take things so personally. The other half was being told to conduct myself a certain way so I don't upset people.
In regards to the NFL, a head coach was fired because of racist and homophobic emails. He ABSOLUTELY deserves to be fired, absolutely. However Desean Jackson openly said Hitler was right about Jews, Antonio Brown has multiple assault allegations against him, Richard Sherman has an assault case against him, Tyreek Hill has audio of him threatening his child and GF with violence, as well as beat the brakes off his college GF, and SO MUCH MORE. These men are still in the league.
The double standard that I am sick of is that in the NFL for some reason words are treated way more harshly than actual physical violence.
I love football and am a die hard fan, but I truly dislike the double standard in the league today.
Some people I know who are strongly against gender norms told me that I shouldn’t have a say in my wedding since I’m a man…and that my fiancé alone makes the decisions.
It was pretty freakin confusing.
My principal taking days to read and reply to my emails, if ever, VS me being told at 8 in the morning that I should have known something because he sent me an email at 10 in the evening the night before
Apparently, politicians are allowed to disrespect the citizens of the country they serve but it's frowned upon to tell a politician to "go f*ck yourself" to their face.
Respect is respect. No matter if it wears a suit or what language it uses
Thankfully, we are gradually getting rid of many double standards that managed to survive for thousands of years. Little by little, we will succeed to get rid of some of these double standards but we still need more time, work, and patience for something as major as that to happen.
It was interesting to see how double standards actually affect people in their daily lives. Many users gave concrete examples that perfectly illustrated how they felt about the double standard in question.
This could be a learning experience for many people thanks to the different perspectives these users offered.