Student Accidentally Exposes How Awful Some Of The Well-Known People In Her Neighborhood Actually Are After Sharing A School Project
"Local kid uncovers proof that an educator is not safe to be around children, but the school is only interested in sweeping everything under the rug? "
- Published in Interesting
Getting assignments and projects are part of the learning process when you go to school. They help us independently learn more than the things discussed in a classroom.
They can push you to take creative freedom with projects while also following the teachers' instructions. Doing them can benefit you beyond your expectations but they can also lead to something serious and eye-opening.
In the case of this Redditor who posted in the r/aita subreddit, a small thing in a project became a big deal. OP's class was asked to film what their neighborhood was like and describe things in conversational Spanish, sort of like a tour.
She did just that and started with her street. Unfortunately, the reality of the happenings within OP's neighborhood involves a yelling neighbor and a racist passerby. OP still continued to complete the project before posting it on the school website.
What neither OP nor the teacher expected was that the students recognized the two not-so-nice people in OP's video and started to reveal who they were in the comments. This then created a bigger issue when OP's teacher removed the video from the website and questioned why she didn't just report it to authorities.
OP defended that she did what was asked and tried to reach out to people that can take the right actions against the rude people in the video. At the very least, OP made them be aware of the situation for the safety of others.
OP is asking if she was the a**hole for shedding light to the problems in her neighborhood
spanishclassproblemOP's class were given a project where you show around your neighborhood while describing it in Spanish
spanishclassproblemOP went with the video naturally
spanishclassproblemDuring OP's filming, someone in a car catcalls her and when she jokingly retaliated, they yelled back something racist
spanishclassproblemOP wanted to clarify her ethnicity
spanishclassproblemOP continued with her project according to the rubric and edited out some unecessary scenes
spanishclassproblemThere was a second part for the assignement where they had to post it on the school website, this is how they found the identity of the guy in the car
spanishclassproblemOP asked more about him and then another classmate recognized the yelling neighbor
spanishclassproblemThe next day, OP was tod by her professor that what the way she showed her neighborhood was not right but OP pointed out that she was only following instructions
spanishclassproblemThe discussion went on and the teacher discussed that she'd removed the video from the site since it was not the right way to shed light on the situation
spanishclassproblemShe was called in for a meeting the next day and is doubting if she was the a**hole for posting the video which exposed the people in her neighborhood
spanishclassproblemOP provided an update of the meeting
spanishclassproblemBefore it happened though, she did different stuff first to make sure that they don't ignore the problem the video brought up
spanishclassproblemA teacher she trusted was also asked to sit in on the meeting and they ensured that OP wouldn't miss any classes because of it
spanishclassproblemThere was a strategy to OP's approach in the meeting
spanishclassproblemShe bluntly stated what she knew and tried to gather information in their process
spanishclassproblemThey were surprised but they saw how serious OP is with the involved legality
spanishclassproblemOP also humbly apologized if there was anything she did wrong and she thanked everyone in the comments who suggested ways to handle it
spanishclassproblemThere was nothing that OP had done to provoke the actions of the person who catcalled her
prove____itIt was harsh but everything that was depicted was part of reality
spanishclassproblemBefore OP provided an update, a lot of Redditors made suggestions of how she could deal with the situation
FinnNoodleHer phone was a big part of her protection and they had no right to touch it
ExternalInformal2000OP shouldn't cower under the pressure they put but the other way around
DuckingGoldenOP can trick them too without technically lying about it
MokSeaThere was concern over having OP's parent present in the meeting
anndorand they also pointed out that sweeping the dirt under the rug happens often with a school administration
anndorBut OP explained why they chose a teacher instead of her parents
spanishclassproblemend of comment
spanishclassproblemThere are a lot of pros and cons whichever way OP chooses to approach it
IncognitoSlug123This is a sad story from an OP who's brother got caught up in a bad school administration
SealAwayHeartsSchool administrations are sometimes very involved in covering up the wrong to save their reputation. Even if it means silencing a person to hide the truth.
It was a good thing that OP stood up for herself and showed that even though they might not have the intention to do it, they should still do what was right. What do you think should happen to the people reported by OP?