30 Times People Shared What "The Incident" At Their School Was And It's All Shades Of Hilariousness And Scary
These stories will definitely leave your jaws hanging

High school is a period of teenage rebellion, raging hormones, and, of course, larger-than-life stories that stand the test of time. It's understandable why so many TV shows, from "The Simpsons" to "Community," try to tap into teenage mythology.
From the classic "Water Balloon Wars," which left the school grounds covered in laughter, to the audacious infiltration of the principal's office during the "Great Toilet Paper Caper." But why does this time in our lives seem to carry more significance than any other and cling to our memories?
If you have strong memories of your high school years, it's possible that you also recall situations that remained in your memory, such as chewing gum under a desk, in addition to jocks, wild parties, and fleeting crushes. There are rumors that are still being kept under wraps in your former classes.
Some people, reminiscing about the "good old days" and everything, swore that high school was the absolute best time of their lives. They might be on to something or maybe it's simply a rose-colored vision.
As a result, crazy, hormone-fueled stories gushed like fruit punch on a sweaty prom night when someone invited the good people of the internet to submit their iconic school experiences on r/AskReddit.
1. "Someone brought their capybara to school and it ended up becoming class president."

2. Fifth grade
In the 5th grade, our P.E. teacher had our class hula hoop for physical activity. Two girls in the class ended up hula hooping the entire 45 minutes - 1 hour of the class without stopping. Our teacher decided that it would be fun to see how long these two girls could go.
By the end of the school day, one girl was still going and had not stopped. Our teacher then got the wild idea that this girl should keep going to try breaking the world record. The students parent’s were called and they gave her permission to make the attempt. Someone looked up the rules of Guinness World Records and discovered that you can take a few minutes break every hour.
The local news was called and they filmed this poor girl hula hooping her heart out. She finally gave up around 12:30am. This took place in the late 1980’s in Roswell, GA. at Mimosa elementary.
The same year, the same P.E. teacher taught our class to juggle. Within 3 months, she started a juggling club in which I was a member. We eventually had a choreographed routine, with music, printed ‘Mimosa Jugglers’ tee-shirts and began performing our routine at other local elementary schools. It was weird but actually pretty fun at the time. We juggled balls, rings and plastic bowling pins. I ended up discovering that I could juggle 3 apples while taking a bite out of one - it was a crowd pleaser lol.

3. Last names
In high school Two kids both named Logan
Both last names were very similar
One was popular and the other was not
Unpopular Logan was drunk and ran across a road in the middle of the night and was k**led by a semi-truck
The next day the principal announced that popular Logan had died
Popular Logan was late for school.
Everyone was very sad
Then popular Logan showed up and all school rejoiced that unpopular Logan was the one who died
Was f****d up

4. Music teacher

5. Life support

6. "A group of kids threw a desk out the 3rd story window. The desk crashed onto a girl's head and broke her neck. Fortunately she lived."

7. Coolest guy

8. Second coming of Jesus

9. Pregnant teens
We had so many pregnant teen girls that they had their own gym class.
A friend of mine who had a fake leg— he had a solid metal rod from mid thigh to mid calf from childhood leukemia so he couldn’t bend at the knee, was in the same class. Just this one poor guy and 30 pregnant 16 year olds.

The Redditor added an edit

It continues

10. Epilepsy Attack

11. Freshman boyfriend

The story continues...

12. The incident

The story continues...

13. Horrible grades

14. Car Accident

15. What!

16. "One of our japanese teachers got stabbed in the back by a South Korean exchange student. Apparently he'd said some pretty insensitive things about North vs South Korea and the next day the student came to school with a knife. Teacher was ok. Kid was jailed for 18 months."

17. Wonderbread Midwestern zeitgeist
So this was like 15-16 years ago. Our school used to have a fun little rivalry activity during homecoming week. We had three school colors: red, white, and black. On the day of the homecoming assembly, each grade year was assigned one of the colors, and whichever grade has the most participation would be the winner. (Sophomores wore red, Juniors wore white, and Seniors wore black.)
People would get VERY into it - dying their hair, making signs, trying to bribe teachers onto their teams, etc. It was honestly a lot of stupid fun in a slightly more innocent/ignorant time. Things that would appear to be an obvious problem today (blackface, anyone?) were not really in our Wonderbread Midwestern zeitgeist. Of course, the year after I graduated, it went too far.
Most years, the seniors would win this little competition, and the juniors would be grumpy about it. Anticipating this, a few idiot juniors thought it would be funny to show their disdain by dressing up in white with KKK hoods, with a fake lynched black 'senior' dangling from a pole...
Yeah. Bad time.
Last I heard, the kids were suspended, the principal voluntarily retired in response to the backlash, and I'm pretty sure that little tradition has been dead ever since...

18. Bandit

19.1982, rural Indiana
Someone went into the bathroom, lit a cigarette, and stuck the fuse from a quarterstick/m80 in the other end. Destroyed one toilet and a section of the wall.
State police bomb squad called in. Explosive trained dogs. Even FBI.
I was one of those questioned as I was the typical stoner loser burnout kid.
I know who did it. It was one of the 'pretty people' as they were called back then. He even kinda confirmed it while drunk at our 30th reunion.

20. Serial killer

21. Oops!

22. "Someone sprayed Butyric Acid throughout the entire school. In high concentrations, it smells like pure vomit. School reeked for weeks. Police were involved etc. No culprit was ever found."

23. "In 3 months November, December and January 3 guys in my graduating class all died. 1 from s*****e, 1 from a skiing accident and 1 on the track at school. It was extremely eerie and sad"

24. "My high school had a riot and there was and still is a picture of my principal choking a student."

25. High School

26. Romance

27. Highlights

The story continues...

28. Dough

29. Class time

30. Mini rocket activity

It seems that as we get older, our memories start to fool us, and we start to feel nostalgic. The propensity to look back fondly on our adolescence is one of those tricks.
If you're curious why, we can attribute it to a mental condition known as the "reminiscence bump." Drop your own high school incidents in the comments below.