15 Instances Where Satanists Were The Unsung Heroes

Is this for real?

15 Instances Where Satanists Were The Unsung Heroes

Satanism often gets a bad name, mostly because it’s linked to Satan. But here’s the thing: the whole story about Satan, who used to be an angel named Lucifer before deciding to do his own thing instead of working for free for God, has led to a lot of misunderstandings.

People worship God in tons of different ways. Some pray before sleeping, some eat bread that represents Jesus, and some even give money to TV preachers who might not be doing what they say they are.

But when you look at what The Satanic Temple is doing, it's pretty surprising. The Satanic Temple fights for good things like making sure women can make choices about their bodies and trying to stop kids from getting hit in schools. They’re doing helpful stuff.

So, why do people think so badly of them? It’s mostly because of old stories and their name. But if you ignore the name and look at what they do, The Satanic Temple is doing a lot of good things for people.

It’s funny but true – sometimes, the ones you least expect turn out to be the good guys. The Satanic Temple might have a scary name, but their actions are what matters, and they’re out there making a positive difference.

1. They engage in beach cleaning initiatives.

They supported Save Our Shores to preserve beaches and marine life, deserving recognition for their public service.

1. They engage in beach cleaning initiatives.Facebook

2. Satanic practitioners take responsibility for maintaining highways.

The Satanic Temple cleans highways to promote safety and cleanliness. They believe in living in the present and advocate for keeping roads free of hazards like litter to prevent accidents and promote longevity.

2. Satanic practitioners take responsibility for maintaining highways.Facebook

3. The Satanic Temple assists new mothers by providing them with the essentials required for nurturing joyful and thriving infants.

The Satanic Temple rejects occultism and emphasizes rationalism over mysticism. Their fifth tenet emphasizes the importance of aligning beliefs with scientific understanding without distorting facts to fit personal beliefs.

3. The Satanic Temple assists new mothers by providing them with the essentials required for nurturing joyful and thriving infants.Facebook

4. They assist individuals facing economic challenges in presenting themselves professionally and securing employment opportunities.

Reject charity band-aids; advocate for work ethic with Team Satan.

4. They assist individuals facing economic challenges in presenting themselves professionally and securing employment opportunities.Facebook

5. The Satanic Temple advocates for free products for women.

Each individual has sovereignty over their own body.

5. The Satanic Temple advocates for free products for women.Facebook

6. Satanists in Australia are actively promoting blood donation initiatives.

You can donate blood every 52 days, and it's important because there's always a shortage. It's unique as a form of charity because you get to eat cookies afterward. This aligns with the first rule of The Satanic Temple: "Act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in line with reason."

6. Satanists in Australia are actively promoting blood donation initiatives.Facebook

7. Satanists in Austin, Texas support domestic abuse victims.

Some churches are responsible for abuse. It's a troubling reality.

7. Satanists in Austin, Texas support domestic abuse victims.Facebook

8. Satanists across the US push to abolish corporal punishment.

Attended Catholic school, and endured brick-moving detention, It was supposed to build character but breeds resentment. School mission opposes abuse but allows bathroom freedom; challenge bathroom pass requests with "I'm a Satanist."

8. Satanists across the US push to abolish corporal punishment.thesatanictemple

9. Satanic Temple members donated 191 coats to the needy.

9. Satanic Temple members donated 191 coats to the needy.Facebook

10. Satanists in Florida donate socks to the homeless year-round.

10. Satanists in Florida donate socks to the homeless year-round.Facebook

11. Free after-school programs educate children about rationalism.

Contrary to other places, they're not aiming to indoctrinate kids; instead, they're focused on teaching them critical thinking skills.

11. Free after-school programs educate children about rationalism.thesatanictemple

12. They empower women to know and control their rights and bodies.

12. They empower women to know and control their rights and bodies.thesatanictemple

13. They mock religions advocating Christian dominance in a secular state.

13. They mock religions advocating Christian dominance in a secular state.thesatanictemple

14. They offer engaging educational content for kids.

14. They offer engaging educational content for kids.thesatanictemple

15. They successfully advocated for the inclusion of other religions in government events through legal battles.

15. They successfully advocated for the inclusion of other religions in government events through legal battles.

The temple received a prestigious invitation to deliver an official invocation at a council meeting, only to face opposition from another church. This church launched a concerted effort, inundating officials with 15,000 emails in an endeavor to prevent the temple's participation. The matter escalated to the courts, where it was reaffirmed that the city of Scottsdale could not curtail this religious practice simply due to pressure from dissenting parties within the council.

Even though the name "Satanism" might make you think of scary or bad things, when you look at what The Satanic Temple is doing, it's pretty surprising.

They're not out there harming; they're fighting for good causes like human rights and fairness. Despite what their name suggests, they're helping out in important ways.

So, it just goes to show that sometimes the ones you wouldn't expect are the ones doing the most good. Don't judge something just by its name – it's what they do that counts.
