This Hardcore Look For Our Favorite Sailor Scouts Might Break The Internet Pretty Soon

The Sailor Scouts are back, and they're looking more badass than ever

This Hardcore Look For Our Favorite Sailor Scouts Might Break The Internet Pretty Soon

It's always a good day for Sailor Moon fans when we stumble upon some new fan art of the Sailor Scouts. We found one that might be taking over the internet this week, courtesy of South Korean artist, soo _k!

The artist has drawn up some really badass looking versions of our favorite magical girls with tattoos, new outfits and all sorts of other cool designs.

Soo_K is an illustrator who does all sorts of different designs, but she shines best when it comes to creating anime-inspired artwork. You can head over to her pages to enjoy more of her designs if this is your kind of thing!

Check out some of her best pieces here: Artstation | Facebook

1. Sailor Scouts looking dapper!

1. Sailor Scouts looking dapper!soo_k

2. Sailor Uranus

2. Sailor Uranussoo_k

3. Sailor Neptune

3. Sailor Neptunesoo_k

4. Sailor Pluto

4. Sailor Plutosoo_k

5. Black Lady

5. Black Ladysoo_k

6. Sailor Moon

6. Sailor Moonsoo_k

7. Sailor Venus

7. Sailor Venussoo_k

8. Sailor Jupiter

8. Sailor Jupitersoo_k

9. Sailor Mercury

9. Sailor Mercurysoo_k

10. Sailor Mars

10. Sailor Marssoo_k

11. Sailor Saturn

11. Sailor Saturnsoo_k