You Won't See A More Amazing Sailor Moon Tarot Card Deck Than This

If you're a Sailor Moon fan, then this is a project you might want to check out.

You Won't See A More Amazing Sailor Moon Tarot Card Deck Than This

Tarot decks have been around for centuries, but only in the last few decades did people start drawing manga-style art on them. Social media has made it even easier to discover artists who are really good at making their own decks of Tarot cards.

One such artist is Mae G., or Sillabub429, as her username is known. She specializes in fan-art, particularly Sailor Moon, and has created a wonderful series depicting the Major Arcana of Tarot, represented by Senshi and villains - they're simply stunning to look at.

The cards are beautifully done, intricately detailed, with the perfect balance of all your favorite Sailor characters as well as the traditional symbolism found in Tarot decks.

You can head over to her page to enjoy more of her amazing artworks: Deviant Art

1. The Fool

1. The FoolSillabub429

2. The Magician

2. The MagicianSillabub429

3. The High Priestess

3. The High PriestessSillabub429

4. The Empress

4. The EmpressSillabub429

5. The Emperor

5. The EmperorSillabub429

6. The Heirophant

6. The Heirophant Sillabub429

7. Love

7. LoveSillabub429

8. The Chariot

8. The ChariotSillabub429

9. Strength

9. StrengthSillabub429

10. The Hermit

10. The HermitSillabub429

11. Wheel Of Fortune

11. Wheel Of FortuneSillabub429

12. Justice

12. JusticeSillabub429

13. The Hanged Man

13. The Hanged ManSillabub429

14. Death

14. DeathSillabub429

15. Temperance

15. TemperanceSillabub429

16. The Devil

16. The DevilSillabub429

17. The Tower

17. The TowerSillabub429

18. The Star

18. The StarSillabub429

19. The Moon

19. The MoonSillabub429

20. The Sun

20. The SunSillabub429

21. Judgement

21. JudgementSillabub429

22. The Universe

22. The UniverseSillabub429