Woman Misses A Trip To Disneyland Because Her Jealous 7 Y.O. Niece Ripped Her Passport, Asks Compensation From Her Sister
"I didn’t get to go on the holiday I’d been saving ages for and it was late to get a refund."
- Published in Interesting
People love Disneyland, and many adults without children visit it every year. Being a Disney fan is not reserved only for kids.
But visiting Disneyland is pricey, so many fans have to save up for quite some time to be able to afford it. They plan, wait, save and burn with anticipation for that long-awaited visit.
But sometimes things can go wrong, and the trip has to be canceled. Sometimes, it can be canceled due to the most unexpected reasons.
“My 2-year-old” nephew ripped my passport” doesn’t sound like one of the top 10 reasons for canceling a trip, but it happens. And our story proves it.
One Redditor asked: “AITA for expecting compensation from my sister because her son ripped my passport?” She then shares her story:
“Last week I (F 21) was supposed to go to Paris for a week with my friends. My Niece J (6) was understandably very jealous when she found out we’d be spending a few days in Disneyland, and started begging me to take her.
I told her I couldn’t but promised to bring back presents for her and S (2.5) my nephew. My sister K (26) even said that maybe they could go on their holiday next year.
This wasn’t good enough for J so she started whingeing, and then screaming, so my sister took her home.”
They came again after a few days, and OP’s passport suddenly went missing.
Read the full story below:
OP asks:
RedditShe was planning a trip to Disneyland, and he niece was very jealous of her. She begged her to take her, but OP couldn't
RedditOP promised to bring back nice gifts, and her sister consoled the child by saying that they might go there for their next vacation
RedditThey came to visit OP while she was preparing for her trip. And then the passport went missing
RedditThey found it on her nephew, with ripped pages
RedditOP didn't have time to get a new passport, so she had to cancel her trip which was all paid for
RedditShe asks for compensation from her sister because she believes the kid has to be punished
RedditOP posted some edits:
RedditHer niece has been punished
RedditOP punished her niece in her own way - by bringing great gifts for her brother, but nothing for her
RedditRedditors agree:
RedditThe older kid can understand her actions and the consequences
RedditMaybe the kid should learn a harsh lesson
RedditParents on Reddit agree - the kid is old enough to understand
RedditYup. She is old enough to understand what she's done
RedditOP understands why her niece was so upset, but there is no justification for what she’s done. She knew very well what are passports because she had traveled abroad with her parents.
So, she deserves to be punished. OP found a nice way to punish her – by getting toys only for her little brother.
But the kid needs to learn a lesson. We can’t always get what we want when we want it.