Enraged Critics Condemn Landlords For “Building Homes And Profiting”, Demand They Find Real Jobs And End Tenant Exploitation

Landlords: Housing Heroes or Tenant Tormentors?

Enraged Critics Condemn Landlords For “Building Homes And Profiting”, Demand They Find Real Jobs And End Tenant Exploitation

Opinions on the internet can be as diverse as those who share them. They often lead to heated debates on the most unexpected topics. 

Recently, a Reddit post shed light on just how far some individuals were willing to go to express their opinions and how passionately they complain about even the most seemingly innocuous things.

The story unfolded on a subreddit where a user shared a screenshot of individuals vehemently attacking landlords for doing something unimaginable—building houses and renting them out. 

Yes, you heard that right! These self-proclaimed "justice fighters" were up in arms, declaring that being a landlord wasn't a legitimate occupation.

I mean, how dare they provide affordable housing options for the majority of the population who can’t afford to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to construct or purchase their own homes? The audacity of offering shelter to those who would otherwise be homeless!

This internet brigade lambasted landlords, accusing them of contributing to housing shortages, inflating the cost of living, passing utility bills onto their tenants and shockingly, making a profit. The horror of capitalism, right? 

The level of outrage was amusing. They clearly believed landlords should simply provide free housing in the spirit of charity.

Thankfully, a counter-narrative emerged in the Reddit comment section. They highlighted how landlords provided stable housing, invested in local communities, and offered flexible housing options to those who needed it.

The criticism aimed at landlords was nothing short of a virtual witch hunt. 

Check out the full details below.

Let’s dig into the details

Let’s dig into the detailsReddit.com

Landlords are getting the heat. These tenants are going on rent strike

Landlords are getting the heat. These tenants are going on rent strikeReddit.com

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:


If you don’t want to pay rent, build your own house

If you don’t want to pay rent, build your own houseReddit.com

If landlords close shop, then a lot of people would be homeless

If landlords close shop, then a lot of people would be homelessReddit.com

Landlords make having a roof over your head affordable

Landlords make having a roof over your head affordableReddit.com

Landlords will, “…take care of your lawn, fix your appliances that you didn’t have to buy yourself, snake your drains, etc.”

Landlords will, “…take care of your lawn, fix your appliances that you didn’t have to buy yourself, snake your drains, etc.”Reddit.com

“I am a landlord and I don't make any profit on my rental. They pay what I pay.“

“I am a landlord and I don't make any profit on my rental. They pay what I pay.“Reddit.com

Even if you buy your own home, technically, you have still paid someone to be able to live there

Even if you buy your own home, technically, you have still paid someone to be able to live thereReddit.com

“The people who shit on others for renting properties are just willfully ignorant.”

“The people who shit on others for renting properties are just willfully ignorant.”Reddit.com

“The ones who hate landlords are the types who screw over on rent, ruin the property and are aggressive about it.“

“The ones who hate landlords are the types who screw over on rent, ruin the property and are aggressive about it.“Reddit.com

“All landlords aren't villainous, and I'm sure many are awesome.”

“All landlords aren't villainous, and I'm sure many are awesome.”Reddit.com

In a world where people love to express their opinions online, this story highlights the extent to which some individuals can take their grievances, even if it involves attacking those who play a crucial role in providing shelter and support to the community.

We admit in the realm of landlords, there’s the good, the bad, and the ugly, but the merits cannot be overlooked. Hopefully, these warriors are convinced enough to raise their white flags and end their war against landlords.

What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments. 
