Teacher Refused To Let His Student Sit Where They Could See The Board And Their Revenge Is Amazing

There is nothing worse than a bad teacher....

  • Published in Funny
Teacher Refused To Let His Student Sit Where They Could See The Board And Their Revenge Is Amazing

Some people loved school, whereas others hated it. Some, strange, people seem to believe that high school was the best time of their whole lives (can’t relate there). But whether you enjoyed or despised school, one thing that would really make or break a year, was whether or not you liked your teachers.

Some teachers are incredible. Most of them are, to be fair. They are chronically underpaid and underappreciated, yet they continue to shape and educate our children. Some teachers… are just plain bad though. Whether they are unsupportive, rude or just plain boring, most of us have had to suffer through a class with one. This student was lucky enough to get some revenge on their terrible teacher. 

This hilarious story was shared on Reddit under the thread "petty revenge"

It was shared by u/MustbeeaWeasley.


"Math Teacher Forgets Object Permanence, and Retires."

"Setting (USA): Me, Sixth Grade math class

I was a painfully shy kid. I'm near-sighted, and most teachers noticed it. Being able to see the board = being engaged in learning. Teachers usually seated me in the front of the classroom, and I would do really well. Except for this math teacher. My last name is towards the bottom of the alphabet, and he would only seat us alphabetically. For context, later, he was an older teacher. I ended up in the back of his class. After struggling to see the board, being a non-confrontational child; I wrote him a note on my homework asking to move to the front.

I got my homework back at the end of class with a big red underlined "NO! Assigned seats only." written on it. I was devastated. I've never been in trouble, and didn't think that it was that hard to switch me around. This is where the revenge plays out.

I love to read. I always have. I always had books with me. After being frustrated by not being able to see the board, I quit trying. I would bring out whatever book I was currently reading and just read during class. Nothing was said at first.

One day, I was reading in class, and it just got quiet. Like a sudden drop in temperature. It got quiet enough for me to look up. He was lingering next to me, and the whole class was staring. Again, I'm painfully shy. He held his hand out and shouted "Book." I handed it over, and when class was over he had me stand in the front of the class and say I was sorry for causing a disruption. I was too shy to talk, ended up getting an after school detention for "defiance." I was also late for my next class.

I always carried my books separate from my binder so I could read while walking to class. The next day, he took my book right out of my hands while I was walking into class. I got it back and by the end of the day, I finished that book. The library had five copies of the next book in the series. I checked all of them out. The next day, like clockwork, I walked into class with my nose in the book, and he took it from me. Once class started, and he stopped staring at me, I pulled my next copy out. Eventually he saw it, and he stormed over to my desk. "I didn't tell you that you can have this back. Don't take things off my desk." He yelled. "I didn't." I replied. He turns around, sure enough, there was a book on his desk. And one in his hand. The whole class laughed. The laughter made him even angrier. He walked over to his desk and slammed the book down.

I waited for him to stop staring before I pulled out copy #3. He sees it, and repeat. He takes the book out of my hands, the whole class laughs, and he slams it down on the desk.

Copy #4 is where it got interesting. He sees it, storms over, "GET UP." I grab my binder and stand next to my desk, where he opens it and doesn't see anything. He slams the top down and tells me to stand in the corner for the rest of the class. He adds book #4 to the pile, and goes back up front. What I didn't know, was that the teacher on the other side of the wall called the principal during book #4's incident and she was on her way down.

I open my binder ever so slowly (it was zippered) and take out copy #5. Set my binder down, and start reading. He sees me. He is HELLA MAD now. He comes over, screaming at me for disrupting his class. He goes to open my desk, rips the top off of it. He throws my text book on the floor. He sees my binder, opens it, and dumps the contents on the floor.

Right as the Principal is walking in the door.

She sees him, the papers, me in the corner, and the broken desk. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He was shocked. All he could muster was "SHE HAS A BOOK!" before grabbing me and taking the book out of my hands. She ran over to him, got me loose, and took the book from him. "ARE YOU INSANE?!" He stormed out of the classroom. The principal asked me to come to her office. She called my mom, and I got to go home early.

We had a substitute teacher for a few weeks, before he announced he was retired "unexpectedly."

And yes, I was then moved to the front of the class. I still hate math though."


It was an act of revenge that was MEANT to be


"For a self-described shy kid who was mortified to be singled out, you were HELL brave planning that act of defiance."


"Whenever anyone asks me "What's the bravest thing you've ever done?" I tell them this story. I've never done anything like this since. The opportunity presented itself when the library had five copies of the book series (Animorphs) no other book in the series had five copies."


OP was compared to another rebel book lover


"This isn't petty revenge. This is Matilda level shit right here"


A book? In SCHOOL.


"I lost it at "SHE HAS A BOOK!" Never laughed so hard on this sub! You rock OP!"


Nothing worse than bad teachers


"My goal after i finish my phd in education next year is to make sure teachers like this one get curb stomped.

but really - while I don't study your exact issues, I am indeed getting my phd in education because i hated school THAT MUCH"


OP did end up getting glasses


"I wish my mom got me glasses. She was a single mom with four kids, and couldn't afford it. After this incident though, the librarian of my school actually took me to get glasses. I love having glasses now, just because I remember how awful it was when I was younger. (And as an adult I can buy my own.)"


Librarians are blessings


"I keep thinking about the librarian, sitting there, you want 5 copies of the same book?"


"So, I actually spent a lot of time with that librarian after school. I never told her how bad things were at home, but she knew. She would let me check out extra books for the weekend/holidays too. I was literally checking out a book a day in this series. If she noticed they were all the same book, she didn’t say anything."


Unfortunately, OP wasn't the only one with a story like this


"I had a teacher like this (math actually, same grade) who sat me at the back and I was near-sighted and didn't have glasses. I wrote her a note on an assignment apologizing because it was incomplete - I had been able to get some of it done by writing down the questions as she read them out loud while writing them but couldn't keep up.

She replied with the most snotty, rude, bright-red ink note about how I'm lazy and don't care and my "can't see the board" comment was an excuse.

I showed my parents and this resulted in an immediate meeting with the principal, superintendent, teacher, and my parents and myself.

I also got glasses (my parents hadn't known I couldn't see - I was very good at hiding it).

The teacher ended up apologizing, but I resent her still to this day because I tried explaining something to her and she was awful in response. I was bullied a lot in school (by students and teachers) so trusting someone at all was a big deal and she showed me I picked the wrong person."



"Damn, this brings back memories, except for me, it was 8th grade algebra. I was an excellent student, I was always at the top, or near the top, of the class in every subject, even math, which was my least favorite subject. I would have been in a gifted or accelerated program if they existed back then.

I had the same issue, I happened to sit in the back in that class and couldn't see the board and the equations. I didnt realize that everyone else could see the board easily, I thought I was just too far back. I did the homework and tests fine, at first, but started lagging behind after awhile. I was too embarrassed to say anything in class. School had always been rather easy for me, I never had to put any effort at all into getting As. I thought I had finally found a subject that was difficult for me.

Ended up having a parent-teacher conference to figure out why I was doing so bad in that class when I was a straight A student in everything else. Luckily for me, my teacher wasn't an idiot like OP's. During the conference, which was in the classroom, I was sitting up front in the first row. I could just barely make out the board if I squinted. He noticed that, then made me sit in the back where I did normally, and asked me to read what he wrote. I couldn't, it was beyond a blur to me. That's how I discovered I needed glasses."


"I think some things might have been solved earlier, had my mom gone to parent teacher conferences. I never knew that the world wasn’t supposed to be fuzzy all the time until I got glasses. I never had an issue reading, but that’s because it was always right in front of my face."


We love to see it.


"similar things used to happen to me, its good to hear a story of someone who got the best of a teacher like this"
