30 Satisfying Stories About People Who Got Revenge On Their Childhood Bully

These redditors show the right ways to take revenge.

30 Satisfying Stories About People Who Got Revenge On Their Childhood Bully

Bullying has been a big problem for as long as we can remember. Sadly, this aggressive behavior is rampant in school-aged children.

The behavior is typically repeated and may take place for a long time. Experts say that children who bully and are bullied will have serious, long-term issues.

Bullying may be in the form of threats, physical attacks, verbal abuse, and spreading rumors. They may happen in and outside of the school (reportedly in buses and playgrounds).

Bullying impacts a victim physically, emotionally, academically, and mentally. They are susceptible to depression and anxiety.

People who were bullies as kids are also very likely to engage in violent acts and other risky behaviors as they grow into adults. Statistics show that individuals with a history of bullying become criminals, alcoholics, and are abusive in relationships.

Let's face it. Bullying is harmful and bad for both sides.

A victim may want revenge on the bully. But of course, it's better not to take the vengeance into one's own hands.

Karma is real. The bullies, because of the situation they put themselves in, eventually have to pay for what they did.

Today, we're going to take a look at stories about how the revenge was exacted on the bullies. These tales were shared when a redditor named Marble_Trap asked the community:

How was your adult revenge on your childhood bully?

1. The question

1. The questionmarble_trap

2. One redditor shared that he didn't need to exact his revenge because his childhood bullies already died of either drugs or reckless driving.

But there was one time when he encountered his middle school bully a year after he graduated high school. He was out for a bike ride when this person yelled at him.

He ignored the bully and kept going until he realized he was being followed. And then something unexpected happened.

I wasn't the same pushover I was in middle school, so I pulled over and waited, as he hopped off his bike and violently thrust his hand out-to shake my hand and apologize for ever being a d**k.

The guy who was once a bully explained that he was hanging out with a bad crowd and regretted all the things that he did. After his father passed away, he suddenly had an epiphany.

He wants to become a psychologist to help high school kids deal with harassment. The two parted ways on good terms.

2. One redditor shared that he didn't need to exact his revenge because his childhood bullies already died of either drugs or reckless driving.Prophetofhelix, image via David Dvořáček

3. One user shared that the kid who bullied him in high school is a drug addict.

After 10 years, the two meet once again. The redditor called out the bully's last name and when this person turned to face him, he saw injuries on his face.

Upon learning that he got kicked out of his home, the redditor gave him food and cigarettes. Then this person cried.

Never in a million years would I have thought that after all the s**t I put you through, that you'd help.

After what happened, the redditor kept in contact with his childhood bully. He persuaded him to get away from drugs.

Life went on and after some time, the redditor got a friend request on social media. Turns out, the childhood bully got off the drugs and is now a barista.

3. One user shared that the kid who bullied him in high school is a drug addict.joblo619, image via Peter Pivák

4. This redditor grew up poor.

But when her mom remarried a person who was well off, she became a poor kid who was suddenly attending a school with rich kids. There was one girl whom the redditor describes as "really stuck up and such a b**ch."

The bully's parents might have been generous, but the kid was just overbearing. The redditor's mom did not allow such a behevior from her child.

Fast forward to her adult years, she dropped out of college. She was working as a waitress and lives alone in her small apartment.

That's when she encountered her childhood bully. This woman sat in her section of the restaurant.

I asked a couple of waitresses to take the table but they were busy. Finally I realized what I would do. I would take on the role of my life. Win an Academy Award. I went to the table and pretended I'd never met her before in my life.

The woman insisted that she knew the redditor, but she kept acting that she didn't know her. The situation flabbergasted the woman, and she kept talking about it with the people she was dining with.

That's when the redditor realized one thing. The be forgotten is an ultimate face slap for some people.

4. This redditor grew up poor.loridee, image via Anthony Fomin

5. A redditor received an apology from someone who bullied him in high school.

They got together for some drinks and eventually, his childhood bully broke down. He admitted that he had an alcohol problem and was self destructive.

Then he told that redditor that he was going to get kicked out of his mom's place and doesn't have a job. The redditor then offered him a job at the restaurant where he was a manager.

The guy eventually got promoted to kitchen manager. He invited the redditor for drinks.

The redditor received two tickets to Colorado, one for him another for his girlfriend. The guy said he'd never be able to pay him back for his kindness, but now, he is already in a position where he could try.

5. A redditor received an apology from someone who bullied him in high school.SkeithXEpitaph, image via mintosko

6. One redditor got bullied to her childhood bully's crush.

6. One redditor got bullied to her childhood bully's crush.WhistlinGooch, image via Jeremy Wong Weddings

7. A redditor's daughter, who has diabetes, slapped the girl who bullied everyone. The classmates were supportive of her.

7. A redditor's daughter, who has diabetes, slapped the girl who bullied everyone. The classmates were supportive of her.Luder714, image via Ariana Suárez

8. A redditor was messaged by her high school bully on Facebook after their graduation.

These were nasty messages so she took a screenshot of them and posted them on her wall (Facebook was new at the time). The bully's friends asked her if she was okay.

It was the best revenge, the redditor says. Stooping down to her level wasn't needed.

8. A redditor was messaged by her high school bully on Facebook after their graduation.Solsed, image via Joshua Hoehne

9. A redditor was once bullied at their workplace.

The redditor left that company for greener pastures. They became a lab supervisor.

One day the workplace bully sent in their resume and it was received by the redditor. It went straight to trash.

9. A redditor was once bullied at their workplace.Chazwozel, images via Sebastian Herrmann

10. A redditor, who was bullied, saw his childhood bully behind bars.

10. A redditor, who was bullied, saw his childhood bully behind bars.Wyodaniel, images via Emiliano Bar

11. One redditor had three childhood bullies.

One became friends with him and they're still close. They play online games together despite their distance from each other.

Then there's a girl who treated him badly. They met at a coffee-shop-slash-night-club and he was so surprised that she hugged him even after all that the bullying he experienced.

This girl apologized for her actions, and they're now getting along. The third bully is a jock.

He apologized to the redditor after getting into a serious talk with him. A week after their conversation, the guy shot himself in the head.

11. One redditor had three childhood bullies.UwasaWaya, image via Axville

12. For this one redditor, his older brother came at the right time.

Two bullies older than him were hurting him on his bike. His older brother pulled over upon seeing him being bullied.

The older brother grabbed both bullies by the collar and threatened them. Both have not bothered him ever since.

12. For this one redditor, his older brother came at the right time.GotMyOrangeCrush, Danny Nee

13. One newscast director was working on a crime segment for a TV station.

The mugshots he needed to work on included three pictures of people who bullied him. It was such a satisfying work that brought a smile to his face.

13. One newscast director was working on a crime segment for a TV station.UncleSaltine, image via Amanna Avena

14. A policeman arrested his childhood bully for stealing a car. He was smiling the entire time.

14. A policeman arrested his childhood bully for stealing a car. He was smiling the entire time.AlwaysStrapp3d, image via Michael Förtsch

15. One redditor was once a nerdy awkward girl.

She got teased by a popular buy in her middle school. He called her names because of her awkwardness.

After she graduated high school, she encountered this bully at a bar. She has fully bloomed into a pretty girl.

As for the boy who was once popular? The cute 12-year-old buy couldn't handle puberty's surge of testosterone.

The guy showed off by saying he's a navy and that he's protecting her from terrorists. He was complimenting her for her good looks and eventually asked for her number.

The next day, he asked her out on a date. She replied with a satisfying, "Lol, nah."

15. One redditor was once a nerdy awkward girl.phinnaeusmaximus, image via Kelli McClintock

16. For one redditor, it was so satisfying to reject their childhood bully (who was arrogant then and is still arrogant now) in an interview.

16. For one redditor, it was so satisfying to reject their childhood bully (who was arrogant then and is still arrogant now) in an interview.Reddit, image via Van Tay Media

17. Forgetting about them is the best revenge, according to one redditor.

17. Forgetting about them is the best revenge, according to one redditor.Ishamael1983, image via Gian Cescon

18. One redditor was bullied by a guy during their kickball game in middle school.

On top of that he attempted to sexually assault her. This guy was suspended for the rest of the year.

The redditor eventually found out that her childhood bully is now in prison for r*ape, theft, and arson. She saw the ex-wife's post about the guy, saying that members of the prison inked him with the word r*pist on his face.

18. One redditor was bullied by a guy during their kickball game in middle school.OhMyraa, image via cottonbro

19. According to this redditor, she was a fat youngster.

Nonetheless, people found her attractive. Of course, someone else was insecure about it.

So there's this one girl who bullied her for her weight, took pictures of her in class to share online, and forced her to kiss a girl so that she'll be tagged as a lesbian.

After 10 years, the redditor is now living a wonderful life and lost a great amount of weight. She saw her childhood bully, who's looking overweight and a total mess, during her visit to her mom, and says this:

Wow, motherhood looks great on you!!!

The redditor found out that this woman tricked a guy into getting her pregnant during a drinking session and has step kids before 25. Her childhood bully's hatefulness and bitterness are the ones that served the revenge.

19. According to this redditor, she was a fat youngster.w4llfl0wer, image via Siora Photography

20. One redditor saw the school's bully after 15 years.

Turns out, he was having a rough time. He apologized to the people he wronged now that he's in a better situation.

20. One redditor saw the school's bully after 15 years.dewayneestes, image via Alexander Popov

21. A redditor admits that he's the bully.

He apologized to the person he bullied. He felt even better upon seeing that the guy he once bullied now has a hot wife.

21. A redditor admits that he's the bully.Luder714, image via Christian Erfurt

22. A woman was hit on by her childhood bully.

He kept going and it seemed that he doesn't remember her at all. When she finally told him that he bullied her, he apologized for being such an a**hole in elementary school.

Not gonna lie, it felt goooood.

22. A woman was hit on by her childhood bully.MichieD,image via Alex Voulgaris

23. One redditor confesses:

Turns out I was the bully. I felt terrible when I found out, everyone I picked on I had considered a friend. I thought of it as good natured ribbing and making fun of each other. One guy finally got his revenge when he told me I was the bully in high school and saw the realization come over my face. He forgave me, I still apologize to people as I run into them.

23. One redditor confesses:reddit, image via Adrian Swancar

24. One redditor exacts the revenge through confidence (they're faking it, though).

24. One redditor exacts the revenge through confidence (they're faking it, though).chumothy, image via Gus Ruballo

25. The best revenge for one redditor is being herself.

She met her childhood bully in her '20s. Unfortunately, nothing has changed for this person.

She's still her same, old, negative self. Her being a hopeless case brought satisfaction to the redditor.

25. The best revenge for one redditor is being herself.carlinha1289, image via kevin laminto

26. A classmate of this Muslim redditor would throw pork at his face back when they were in middle school.

Fifteen years later, the redditor finds out that his childhood bully's parents died. This person is now helping out kids in a Syrian camp.

The redditor helped the guy during his financial struggles. They are now friends.

26. A classmate of this Muslim redditor would throw pork at his face back when they were in middle school.Poem_for_a_PM, image via Julie Ricard

27. A redditor's best friend was bullied by this one guy. He kept in touch with his friend's bully.

Finally, the redditor saw an opportunity to meet up with him, and check out if he has changed. As you have guessed, this man did not improve.

He was even showing off that he's cheating on his wife with younger girls. The guy asked the redditor to become a reference since they had the same degree.

The redditor was called thrice and can't help but speak about the truth. The calls stopped there, so the guy probably found out what the redditor has been doing.

27. A redditor's best friend was bullied by this one guy. He kept in touch with his friend's bully.PM_ME_UR_PANTY_COLOR, image via Priscilla Du Preez

28. Living a great life with a beautiful family is the best revenge for a redditor.

28. Living a great life with a beautiful family is the best revenge for a redditor.Wackyal123, image via Joshua Hoehne

29. "Telling him he missed a spot when drying my car," a redditor shares with satisfaction.

29. jeremyRockit, image via Adrian Dascal

30. Forgiveness is the best revenge for one Reddit user.

30. Forgiveness is the best revenge for one Reddit user.Coffin_Nail, image via Gilles Lambert

31. One redditor is now BFFs with her childhood bully. They are now bullying each other.

31. One redditor is now BFFs with her childhood bully. They are now bullying each other.Krusty_Krab_Pizza_, image via Priscilla Du Preez

These redditors prove that they don't have to stoop down to their childhood bully's level to exact revenge.

A revenge can be in a form of kindness that makes the person, who was once a childhood bully, realize what they did wrong. Which revenge story did you like?
