35 Of The Smartest And Most Hilarious Responses From Business Owners And Managers To Fake Reviews

Fake reviews are rampant online, so businesses need to counter them.

  • Published in Funny
35 Of The Smartest And Most Hilarious Responses From Business Owners And Managers To Fake Reviews

Almost everybody is aware that online reviews have overtaken word-of-mouth marketing. Whether you're getting a new haircut, fixing up your bike, or trying out that new restaurant in town, the first thing you'll probably do is Google it.

Since it's so easy to have access to the internet, there are a plethora of phony ratings. People (even from rival companies) twist the truth in order to give the company a bad rep.

According to The Transparency Company founder Curtis Boyd:

A bad review can make or break a business.

They can heavily impact a business, especially if the reviewer delivered a detailed, terrible, customer service experience. People look for reviews online because they're ready to buy or avail of the services.

If they see that their needs won't be fulfilled, as described by the review, customers can easily look elsewhere. In concept, user reviews should be honest and provide accurate information about the places people want to explore, the services they want to test, and the products they want to purchase.

However, just as the internet may be an inexhaustible source of amazement, it is also full of shams.

Fortunately, we occasionally see that justice is served when business owners come across these inaccuracies and decide to do everyone a favor by clapping back at them.

Uh oh.

Uh oh.kaboomeh

This person thinks they're better than the barber.

This person thinks they're better than the barber.CallingYouForMoney



S*xual predators need to be exposed this way.

S*xual predators need to be exposed this way.littlemeowcat

How can this be possible when the store isn't open yet?

How can this be possible when the store isn't open yet?your_dankesty

The name gives this "reviewer" away.

The name gives this Trazer854

That suggestion is for the best.

That suggestion is for the best.Yoda1PositivityStar



Shady rival businesses do this.

Shady rival businesses do this.reddit.com

Customer being a cheapskate.

Customer being a cheapskate.CynicalCinderella

Former general manager insults his own work.

Former general manager insults his own work.reignofterr0r

Why would you review a private residence?

Why would you review a private residence?_Idontknow_

He messed with the wrong person.

He messed with the wrong person.takeawaytrauma

Left a bad review because of her broken heart.

Left a bad review because of her broken heart.dannydevito77

Delivery men need to be careful of customers who unleash aggressive dogs.

Delivery men need to be careful of customers who unleash aggressive dogs.takeawaytrauma

Customer who refuses to listen gives a bad review.

Customer who refuses to listen gives a bad review.ItzPayDay123

After refusing to pay, the customer leaves a bad review.

After refusing to pay, the customer leaves a bad review.Thelittelestsandwich

Rude guy leaves a bad review

Rude guy leaves a bad reviewKappaBears

It was necessary for the staff to drive him away.

It was necessary for the staff to drive him away.myameans

Parent leaves a bad review because the restaurant fired their son.

Parent leaves a bad review because the restaurant fired their son.theoldesttwin

Rude customer thinks they can get revenge on the business.

Rude customer thinks they can get revenge on the business.Isneezepepsi

Customers want to get their revenge by leaving bad reviews.

Customers want to get their revenge by leaving bad reviews.Indianfattie

What's the point of leaving a bad review when everything was done correctly?

What's the point of leaving a bad review when everything was done correctly?Chiss5618

Staff suggests Alcoholics Anonymous to the intoxicated friend.

Staff suggests Alcoholics Anonymous to the intoxicated friend.PmMeBeer

A bad parent who doesn't want to own up to their fault.

A bad parent who doesn't want to own up to their fault.besst

Customer's aren't right all the time.

Customer's aren't right all the time.Sargatanus

Even people who get rejected to work at the establishment get their revenge through fake reviews.

Even people who get rejected to work at the establishment get their revenge through fake reviews.scistudies

What is this customer's problem?

What is this customer's problem?Jimmyjohnsbitch

Even the best brake repair service can't satisfy such an unfair client.

Even the best brake repair service can't satisfy such an unfair client.freeballintompetty

Even delivery drivers write fake reviews.

Even delivery drivers write fake reviews.LionsLioness

Entitled customer gets a clap back.

Entitled customer gets a clap back.atlGnomeThief

Google and BBB is on the business' side.

Google and BBB is on the business' side.kar816

Look who's talking.

Look who's talking.daslederhosen

There's no such thing as a 12,000 pound dental service in this establishment.

There's no such thing as a 12,000 pound dental service in this establishment.MomoYaseen

Staff shows courtesy to a fake reviewer.

Staff shows courtesy to a fake reviewer.you-know-poo

The way people use the internet can be a headache to some businesses.

Aside from smoothening the operations and fulfilling orders or providing services, they have a reputation to uphold. They need to perform extra work to keep the unfair reviews under control.

There's no way to control these fake reviews other than responding to them. And if the business is doing great, it'll attract more positive reviews and bury the unfair ones.
