Teenager Refuses To Change Her "Evil" T-Shirt After It Offended Her Religious Uncle, Her Dad Gets Stressed Over It
"The t-shirt was extremely inappropriate for someone my age"
- Published in Interesting
Family conflicts and dissension can be extremely stressful, unpleasant, and overwhelming when parents and children hold different religious beliefs. You probably have a good relationship with your parent in spite of your different beliefs if you feel that your highly religious parent accepts and loves you for who you are and loves you unconditionally.
It is important to remember that religious differences are not the primary cause of the dysfunctional relationship you are experiencing in your relationship with your parents, even if you feel that your belief system is exacerbating the problem. The OP of today's story has an uncle who is religious.
The OP wore a simple, comfortable t-shirt and a pair of leggings to meet the rest of the family at the restaurant. Her uncle was there, and he had a problem with the T-shirt the OP had on.
"My uncle looked at my t-shirt and immediately hissed at me asking what I was thinking wearing a t-shirt like that in public and to go back to the hotel and change. I refused because I didn't want to walk all the way back to the hotel in a thunderstorm just to change my t-shirt," the OP writes.
OP's uncle refused to speak to her for the rest of the evening after telling her the t-shirt was extremely inappropriate for someone her age to be wearing anyway. OP's dad told her that she would have just changed, but she sought other opinions online.
The OP kicks off her story
Reddit/pixieorfaeThe OP didn't want to walk all the way back to the hotel in a thunderstorm
Reddit/pixieorfaeThat was fine by the OP as all her uncle actually talks about is his religion
Reddit/pixieorfaeOP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:
I might be the a-hole because my hotel room wasn't that far away and it wouldn't have been that much trouble just to keep the peace.
The Reddit post got thousands of comments and here are a bunch of the most upvoted ones
Reddit/pixieorfae"I won't wear this" is a boundary
Reddit/pixieorfaeHow old of an adult does the OP need to be to wear it?
Reddit/pixieorfaeWhat to do to people who police your fashion
Reddit/pixieorfaeIt is just a piece of cloth
Reddit/pixieorfaeThe OP dropped this in the comments
In all honesty I really didn't expect my uncle to have any kind of issue with the shirt since I didn't know Hindus even believed in demons. None of the rest of my family is religious and I even asked my mum ‘do I look okay’ before we left the hotel. I really truly just didn't look to closely at the t-shirt I was putting on and IDK why everyone seems to think I was deliberately antagonising a religious nut.
This Redditor thinks the shirt is funny
Reddit/pixieorfaeThe OP's an adult wearing appropriate clothes
Reddit/pixieorfaeOP's uncle is being a pain for nothing
Reddit/pixieorfaeThat's nice of the OP
Reddit/pixieorfaeThe OP is of legal age to do and wear whatever she wants. The OP did say that her uncle irritates the crap out of her, and they try to limit contact with that side of the family anyway.
Redditors dissected the whole issue, and the OP was declared not the AH. Share this story with your loved ones to get their own opinions as well.