The Different Challenges Of Being A Mom Are Illustrated In These 15 Comic Strips, And They Are Truly Relatable

Moldovan mom turns first-hand experience about motherhood into funny comics.

The Different Challenges Of Being A Mom Are Illustrated In These 15 Comic Strips, And They Are Truly Relatable

Moms are equivalent to a superhero. Don't you agree?

A never-ending to-do list, constant worrying, and little sleep — being a mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world. It can be exhausting, both physically and emotionally.

But it's also one of the most rewarding experiences a woman will ever have. From the moment they're born, kids rely on their parents for everything.

And as they grow, moms and dads watch them take their first steps, say their first words, and make their first friends. Sure, there are tough days (and sometimes even tough weeks).

But when you see your kids smile, laugh, and succeed, it makes all the hard work worth it. Seeing their children happy and healthy is one of the greatest joys that a mother can experience.

Another great reward of motherhood is the sense of accomplishment that comes from raising well-rounded, successful children. Knowing that you have played a major role in shaping your children into the people they are today is an incredible feeling.

So while it's okay to feel crushed about all the challenges, remember that in the end, you are doing something fulfilling. And if you still feel overwhelmed, remember that you're not alone.

Here are some relatable comics about the struggles of moms that will surely cheer you up.

1. You'll know soon enough.

1. You'll know soon enough.Inna Sacali Comics

2. The real challenge

2. The real challengeInna Sacali Comics

3. They just love playing with switches.

Children love playing with switches because they can make things happen. It's fun to see the lights turn on or off, or to hear a door open or close.

Switches are like magic buttons that give children a sense of control over their environment. Plus, they're just plain fun to play with!

3. They just love playing with switches.Inna Sacali Comics

4. Children can be an instant energizer.

4. Children can be an instant energizer.Inna Sacali Comics

5. Even though you call out your little one, they make a bigger mess.

5. Even though you call out your little one, they make a bigger mess.Inna Sacali Comics

6. Trying to maintain the good parts is a struggle.

6. Trying to maintain the good parts is a struggle.Inna Sacali Comics

7. Every couple having a baby will go through this.

7. Every couple having a baby will go through this.Inna Sacali Comics

8. Behind the scenes.

8. Behind the scenes.Inna Sacali Comics

9. Sometimes, you wish you had more than two hands, especially when bathing your little one.

9. Sometimes, you wish you had more than two hands, especially when bathing your little one.Inna Sacali Comics

10. Kiddos want to be the first.

10. Kiddos want to be the first.Inna Sacali Comics

11. If you're a mom, you can relate.

11. If you're a mom, you can relate.Inna Sacali Comics

12. You keep forgetting that your child's escape plans work every time.

At some point, every parent has to deal with their child climbing out of their crib. It's a milestone that can be both exciting and stressful for parents. But when does it usually happen?

Most children start trying to climb out of their cribs around 12 to 24 months old.

12. You keep forgetting that your child's escape plans work every time.Inna Sacali Comics

13. All about clothes and spills

13. All about clothes and spillsInna Sacali Comics

14. "Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

14. Inna Sacali Comics

15. Baby vs. Cat

15. Baby vs. CatInna Sacali Comics

Being a mother basically requires giving up your life and accepting the fact that you will never again be able to put yourself first.

You have to be selfless, patient, and always ready to sacrifice your sleep, your social life, and your sanity for the sake of your children. But it's not all about the struggles.

There are also a lot of wonderful things about being a mom. Seeing your children learn and grow is an incredible feeling, and knowing that you had a hand in shaping their little lives is truly amazing.
