These Hilarious Cats Might Help You Realize All Cat Owners Have Some Thing In Common

The Cat Life.

  • Published in Animals
These Hilarious Cats Might Help You Realize All Cat Owners Have Some Thing In Common

"Cat Owners" may be taking it a step too far, at least if you ask other cat fanatics. Most of us who love cats wholeheartedly know that if anyone is in charge (ie the human or 'owner'). it's more likely the cats than the humans.

Actually, we have a lot of cheeky euphemisms and jokes about the cats being the bosses, even going so far as to say we live to serve our cat overlords. Either way, we all are kind of in on the joke together, right?

Cats pack a personality punch, that's just why we enjoy them so much. If you've ever wondered, "surely I can't be the only cat caretaker who has ever dealt with something so ridiculous," these photos may help prove that in fact, no, all of us who live with cats have ridiculous moments daily.

1. There can be no escape.

1. There can be no escape.GoldMiner54

2. Where the cozy things are.

2. Where the cozy things are.sibalmrt20

3. Purr-sonality driven

3. Purr-sonality drivenLuckas1203

4. Relatable

4. Relatableari_brr

5. A-Meow-Zing

5. A-Meow-Zingreddit

6. Looks like a Wilson, tbh

6. Looks like a Wilson, tbhLonely-umbrella

7. BIG mad

7. BIG madXarmynn

8. Can you spot the cat?

8. Can you spot the cat?IUwUIOwOI

9. Just a wee bit

9. Just a wee bitklllshot03131

10. This looks like a good a place as any to sit.

10. This looks like a good a place as any to sit.ryuubaby

11. C'mere right meow

11. C'mere right meowshowmmes

12. Why not??

12. Why not??eatmycouch

13. He's giving it his best effort.

13. He's giving it his best effort.PM_me_Henrika

14. Absolutely ZERO regrets

14. Absolutely ZERO regretsjjwinc68

15. Cats with threatening auras

15. Cats with threatening aurasmisssundaymorning81

16. That's fair, though, honestly.

16. That's fair, though, honestly.Alauren2

17. With effort, that's how.

17. With effort, that's how.GemartFalkstein410

18. Only time will tell

18. Only time will tellreddit

19. That explains a lot

19. That explains a lotrusticcake

20. Majestic

20. MajesticMinad-Razavi


21. lilyfreelily28

22. "It's EMPTY. This wouldn't be pawsible if it wasn't EMPTY."

22. NateGarro

23. Nom Nom Nom

23. Nom Nom Nomjim-my_21

24. Purr-fection

24. Purr-fectionIamVFV

25. Science

25. ScienceBee_Jesus

26. Awww, it's complicated.

26. Awww, it's complicated.Yttermayn

27. S H R I M P

27. S H R I M PMrMafin

28. Mildly disgruntled post bath photo

28. Mildly disgruntled post bath photostorkyproduct

29. Cats are direct with their communication style.

29. Cats are direct with their communication style.ZeeCapE

30. Exploring can be fun.

30. Exploring can be fun.thepotatofairy95