Redditor Is Thinking About Adopting Neighbor’s Seriously Neglected Cat But Is Afraid It Might Be Rude To Ask

"So my neighbor is.....well let's just say he's a character."

Redditor Is Thinking About Adopting Neighbor’s Seriously Neglected Cat But Is Afraid It Might Be Rude To Ask

There are millions of cats on the streets and millions more in homes. However, for some owner cats, life is not much different from the one they would have if they were living on the streets.

They live in conditions of serious neglect, often skinny and flea and parasites infected. It is hard to say what the reason for it is.

Cats are inquisitive creatures, and many owner cats like to roam outside. In people’s minds, cats are resourceful, smart animals that can handle themselves outside.

So, they don’t think much about them – they can handle themselves. However, this is not really the case.

Cats are incredibly smart, agile, and resourceful, but they are just small creatures who are used to being around people. Out there, they are in the middle of the food chain. They are predators, but also prey.

We have a story that illustrates this problem. One Redditor posted:

“The last few months since I've moved back to this house (my parent’s house) I've been hanging out with a cat. He's very friendly and sweet, but he's so skinny and ragged looking that I wondered if he was a stray.
I didn't bring him in because we already have two cats, and because he obviously could've belonged to someone, but I felt really bad for him and have been giving him food and treats and spending time with him.”

Now, the cat turned out to belong to one of OP’s neighbors.

“So my neighbor is.....well let's just say he's a character. He is NOT a good pet owner. Living next to him for 20 years I've seen his treatment of animals and while it's not abuse,
I would say it's pretty negligent. I know he's an alcoholic and I'm fairly certain other drugs are involved. Overall he's a nice person but it seems like he's kind of a wreck.”

Now OP wants to adopt that cat. Read the full story below:

OP asks:

OP asks:Reddit

The neighbor is many things - a nice person, an alcoholic, maybe even a drug user. But being a good pet owner is not one of those things.

The neighbor is many things - a nice person, an alcoholic, maybe even a drug user. But being a good pet owner is not one of those things.Reddit

Since OP moved back to their parents' house, they've been feeding and spending time with a skinny and neglected kitty

Since OP moved back to their parents' house, they've been feeding and spending time with a skinny and neglected kittyReddit

They did everything they could to help the cat, but couldn't take it in because the parents would probably mind

They did everything they could to help the cat, but couldn't take it in because the parents would probably mindReddit

OP found out that the cat belonged to their neighbor

OP found out that the cat belonged to their neighborReddit

They feel very sad about the condition the cat is in

They feel very sad about the condition the cat is inReddit

Op plans to move soon, and is thinking about asking their neighbor to adopt his cat

Op plans to move soon, and is thinking about asking their neighbor to adopt his catReddit

So OP is asking if it would be rude to ask

So OP is asking if it would be rude to askReddit

The question should be carefully presented

The question should be carefully presentedReddit

Some Redditors believe OP should simply take the cat

Some Redditors believe OP should simply take the catReddit

But OP thinks they would feel guilty after

But OP thinks they would feel guilty afterReddit

Maybe OP should offer some money

Maybe OP should offer some moneyReddit

OP says:

OP says:Reddit

This is the best advice - make the neighbor believe that he is doing you a favor

This is the best advice - make the neighbor believe that he is doing you a favorReddit

Outdoor cats have a really short lifespan. They suffer from many diseases and are often victims of violent deaths.

As we’ve said, they are in the middle of the food chain, both predators and prey. When you let your cat out, you are risking a lot.

Cats were once wild animals, but they’ve been evolving for millennia to be around people. And they simply do not have what it takes to make it in the streets anymore.
