Woman Refuses To Support Her Sick Biological Father Because He Didn't Raise Her, Gets Called Selfish By Her Siblings

Her biological father said that he didn't want another daughter.

Woman Refuses To Support Her Sick Biological Father Because He Didn't Raise Her, Gets Called Selfish By Her Siblings

Fathers are often the primary symbol of safety, security and love in their daughter's lives, so it can be particularly devastating when some fathers choose not to nurture or care for their daughters. There could be any number of reasons why this happens.

Some fathers may come from a culture or background where girls are deemed second-class citizens, making them unable to provide their daughters with the care that they need and deserve. Other times, a father may not have had a positive example set for him during his own upbringing.

In some cases, what started as an emotional disconnect slowly snowballs over time until a father decides to simply opt out of caring for his daughter. It's heartbreaking when fathers take that route, but it is important to remember that our daughters are still worthy of being viewed as whole creatures worthy of being cherished fully regardless of who chooses not to embrace them.

In today's post, we will look at a woman who was in this situation. According to the original poster/OP (who is the second daughter in the family), her father refused to raise her because he didn't need another girl.

Now that she's an adult, her other siblings asked her to support their sick father. But she refused to help since this man never loved her as his daughter.

Her siblings called her selfish and an a-hole. So, she asked the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) for opinions on the situation — whether she was right or wrong to refuse to help.

The OP explains her family background.

The OP explains her family background.Odd-Prize-7350

Her siblings are asking for the OP's help now that that her biological father is sick.

Her siblings are asking for the OP's help now that that her biological father is sick.Odd-Prize-7350

This man never raised her, so it isn't surprising that she doesn't want to help.

She asked the AITA community if refusing to help was wrong.

This man never raised her, so it isn't surprising that she doesn't want to help.Odd-Prize-7350

Redditors are on the OP's side. This user specifically told her to stop being in contact with this family.

Redditors are on the OP's side. This user specifically told her to stop being in contact with this family.Jdpraise1

Redditors are calling the biological father a sperm donor.

Redditors are calling the biological father a sperm donor.majesticjewnicorn

They showed their true colors when OP said she wouldn't help.

They showed their true colors when OP said she wouldn't help.Wynfleue

It's time to check her rights as this sperm donor's child.

It's time to check her rights as this sperm donor's child.majesticjewnicorn

The OP doesn't need these people in her life.

The OP doesn't need these people in her life.mm172, shrimpandshooflypie

Aside from taking OP's side, Redditors are also giving her words of encouragement.

Aside from taking OP's side, Redditors are also giving her words of encouragement.hmg07, jdadame

She can't consider these people family.

She can't consider these people family.Fire_or_water_kai, Holymolyhannah

The OP has no obligation to her father because he never complied to his legal obligation and never cared about his moral obligation.

The OP has no obligation to her father because he never complied to his legal obligation and never cared about his moral obligation.fuliculifulicula

This father is indeed messed up.

This father is indeed messed up.Odd-Prize-7350, fuliculifulicula

She needs to ignore these people and move on with her life.

She needs to ignore these people and move on with her life.sukinsyn

A professional might help in this situation.

A professional might help in this situation.SnooGoats7978

Self-care is the best solution to this issue.

Self-care is the best solution to this issue.This_Cauliflower1968

Her siblings don't love her. They only needed her for the money.

Her siblings don't love her. They only needed her for the money.Source

Her mother tried to bring the issue to court, but she wasn't successful. That's why the OP thinks that doing the same thing is a bad idea.

Her mother tried to bring the issue to court, but she wasn't successful. That's why the OP thinks that doing the same thing is a bad idea.Intrepid-Database-15, Odd-Prize-7350

There's nothing to lose if she just asks a lawyer what she can do. The rest is up to her.

There's nothing to lose if she just asks a lawyer what she can do. The rest is up to her.bunderthutt

We're glad to hear that people are supporting her through this ordeal.

We're glad to hear that people are supporting her through this ordeal.someonewithapurpose, Odd-Prize-7350

The OP owes her biological father nothing.

The OP owes her biological father nothing.WholeAd2742

Aside from self-care, blocking them from her life is another good solution.

Aside from self-care, blocking them from her life is another good solution.lipgloss_addict, Ambitious_Link6047

The OP's decision not to support her sick father is completely okay. What she needs to do now is move on with her life.

This means cutting off contact with her horrible biological father and siblings. What she needs right now are supportive people who truly care for her well-being.
