Picture Of Cat Who Fell Inside A Cat-Shaped Neon Light Causes Stir As Redditors Smell A Ruse
Guilty or not, this cat is undeniably adorable

Cats may look cute and cuddly, but they are one of the most mischievous little creatures you’d ever find.
We guess that’s one of the reasons people love them so much. A little mischief certainly adds some excitement to a person’s life.
Sometimes these felines commit little crimes but never get caught. Even when they do get caught, they always manage to wriggle their way out of any trouble.
With that face and that soft fur, can you blame anyone for letting these cuties off the hook?
However, it seems their mischief reign may be over because it looks like some Redditors may be onto these cats.
Someone posted a photo of their kitty in a cat-shaped neon light. They claimed that the light had fallen and they had found their cat lying inside it.
Of course, that’s a match made in heaven. However, some Redditors found the story suspicious.
They couldn’t believe that the cat just happened to be lying inside the light. Instead, they believe the cat knocked the light down and is a criminal that was caught in the act.
Well, now there’s only one thing left to do. We’ve got to investigate the case. Scroll down to be a part of this!
For more info: Reddit
Exhibit A
The post that started it all.

Our advice: take only one look at this picture for evidence's sake because a second look and you wouldn’t have the heart to continue with this investigation.

The Reddit community was convinced that this was more of a crime scene than a coincidence. Here are the most interesting reactions:
A crime scene
It’s a good thing we’re here to investigate it.

Cats of the same shape flock together

A different angle

Little horsie - We see it too.

The perfect punishment
We doubt we can go through with this. Look at the little fella. It’s too cute to be punished.

"Cute" and "Determined", nothing can beat these two
At the end of the day, he's going to get what he wants.

This cat picture isn’t just adorable; it makes for great puns too!

Straight to it
A valid question, if you ask us.

Me-shaped spot
"It’s even got my shape on it. Of course, it’s for me.”

Case closed
We get it now. That spot looks warm.

“A hole just for me. It’s perfect!”

Another crime, maybe?

We may have to reopen this case. There seems to be a connection. Don’t you think?

All our findings have led us to one conclusion: that this cat is guilty. He is guilty of being the most adorable creature you will see today.
We guess once again, we’ll have to let this kitty off the hook. But not without the punishment of continuing to carry the weight of being the most adorable creature in every room.
What are your thoughts on this post? Do you believe the scenario is just one big coincidence, or do you think this little guy is the culprit?