Redditors Share Life's Unwritten Rules We Should All Follow And They're Pretty Profound
These rules would have seriously helped me through my first adulthood years
- Published in Interesting
In Medford, Massachusetts on the 23rd of June in 2005, the world was gifted Reddit. In 2018 there were 330 million users and 138,000 subreddit communities. Today, one of the most popular and active subreddits is definitely r/AskReddit. Every day, nearly countless questions are posed to the Reddit community at large for any and all to participate. Some of the questions can be repetitive and some are just plain ridiculous but it is not an uncommon phenomenon for a question to go completely viral.
Such was the case in early March when Reddit user SpareArm asked Reddit: What is one "unwritten rule" you think everyone should know and follow?
The thread exploded, ending with nearly 19k comments. Some were hilarious. Some were serious. All were worth plucking through to share the best of the best.
Potty Humor
MystifyingPanda325 said:
If you use up all of the toilet paper, you go refill it (this applies for the household).
olafthebent said:
Buy a plunger before you need a plunger
No Gaslighting Allowed
RedditUrine Trouble
See what I did there?
RedditSeriously Sound Advice
AnotherSocialOutcast said:
Dont ask for something if the person only has one left.(Gum,cigarette,piece of cake etc.)
Relatable Content
Esexel said:
Leave it in a better condition than you found it.
simplypsyched said:
If you borrow someone's car... fill up the tank before you return it.
Valiant Effort
Don't knock the advice until you try it?
RedditThese Important Reflections About Being WRONG:
untakenu said:
You can be wrong. It isn't a bad thing, either. And when you are wrong, acknowledge it, and learn from it, you don't need to dig down in your beliefs to try and comfort yourself because you can't handle not being right all the time.
ivanparas added:
Along side this: It's ok to change your mind. You don't have to stick with something just because you thought of it initially. You look much better when you can change your mind based on new information or reconsideration versus 'sticking to your guns' just to avoid 'being wrong'.
And BoostThor also added:
A really good lesson I learned way back is that being wrong doesn't feel bad. Finding out you're wrong feels bad (at least until you get used to it being ok), but being wrong feels exactly like being right.
That moment when you're sure you're in the right and that other asshole is wrong, that other person likely feels the same way you do, and a lot of times you are that other asshole who is wrong, you just didn't notice yet.
Kindness and Friendship
Never make fun of someone else's laugh, be it how they sound or how they look. Laughing is the most natural expression of joy and happiness and for someone to feel self-conscious about that because of other's comments is so brutal
thakrustykrabpizza said:
If someone asks you a question, finish what you’re saying with, “what about you?” Enjoy noticing how many people actually don’t do this.
Havoo said:
If you have to cancel on a friend, it should be your responsibility to reschedule
Shopping Cart Etiquette
This is important, yo.
RedditGo all the way.
((DO NOT))
RedditBathroom Stalls are no place for a staring contest.
PatrickTheVieiraYep said:
Don't look through the fucking gap of bathroom stalls.
doublemanatee75 added:
Worst thing is when it's eye contact between you and the person
So, HodorsGiantDick offered advice (relevant to their name, I suspect):
That's when I indicate down to my dick with my eyes, nod and smile.