10+ Redditors Dominated The Internet Answering The Worst Questions In The Best Ways

Reddit is both the best and weirdest place on the Internet.

  • Published in Funny
10+ Redditors Dominated The Internet Answering The Worst Questions In The Best Ways

I approve of this conspiracy theory.

2. Share the love.

Erm... "love."

2. Share the love.Reddit

3. I like where this is going.

10/10 would watch.

3. I like where this is going.Reddit

4. This person took one for the team.

Slow clap ensuing.

4. This person took one for the team.Reddit

5. Absolute Madman

Consistency works.

5. Absolute MadmanReddit

6. Small lie, big reward.

Can't complain about positive changes, eh?

6. Small lie, big reward. Reddit

7. Failing for the day.

This was an epic failure.

7. Failing for the day.Reddit

8. That's different!

Hoping for an update in a year.

8. That's different!Reddit

9. He's a legend.

An absolute legend.

9. He's a legend.Reddit

10. It's this simple!

No work involved.

10. It's this simple!Reddit

11. Hate brings us together.

It's just the way things are!

11. Hate brings us together.Reddit

12. Someone is going to be in so much trouble...

I would like to see an update on this thread, too!

12. Someone is going to be in so much trouble...Reddit

13. Epic Troll

Well played, sir.

13. Epic TrollReddit

14. There's a wise saying that goes like this:

If it works, it ain't stupid.

14. There's a wise saying that goes like this:Reddit

15. My roommate is a creep!

This is a great question, though.

15. My roommate is a creep!Reddit

16. Dominicans

This is funny enough it hurts to laugh.

16. Dominicans Reddit

17. Ominous

This is ominous because most jobs sound exactly like this.

17. OminousReddit

18. I co-sign this sentiment.

Down with the rings!

18. I co-sign this sentiment.Reddit


Just kidding, it rarely works out this way.


20. Faster than the speed of light!

It can't feel good to be that smart and that stupid at the same time.

20. Faster than the speed of light!Reddit