Reddit Users Tell Stories Of Their Unknown DNA and Ancestry Tests Results
Think your family is boring? Try taking a mouth-swab DNA test, you may be surprised!
- Published in Funny
It's probably pretty common to think your family is boring. No scandals, no major fall outs... maybe a divorce here and there, but for the most part, nothing.
Well, a group of Reddit users thought the same thing until recently taking the popular at home DNA/Ancestry mouth-swab tests and getting some seriously shocking results! It's become really popular in the last few years, and the tests are extremely cheap. Most websites have specials during the holidays and you can pick up one of these DNA tests for as little $40 during the sales.
Irene Samek, a genetic genealogist from Find My History says "This accessibility has lead to plenty of people taking the tests, and for many of them, the results have not been at all as expected. People can uncover a lot of interesting things from their DNA tests, such as unknown half-siblings or finding out that their father is a different person entirely. That's why I love my job - because I can help people (such as adoptees) to find out who their parents are."
A Reddit thread asks users to share stories of, "People whose families have been destroyed by 23andme and other DNA sequencing services, what went down?" Check out these the user comments below describing their experience are receiving their results!
(The entire thread can be viewed by clicking here, but we've picked some of the most scandalous and compiled them for your convenience below)