Real-Life-Rapunzel Hasn't Cut Her Hair In Over 30 Years, And She Still Never Gets Tired Of Caring For It

Imagine your hair being as long as you are tall

Real-Life-Rapunzel Hasn't Cut Her Hair In Over 30 Years, And She Still Never Gets Tired Of Caring For It

Plenty of people dream about having long luscious hair, but we also know in comes down to a few fundamentals to achieve that goal. First thing is first, you better be extremely patient, because even with a solid haircut trimming the ends every 2 weeks or once a month, a long mane takes time.

Second, hair care. If you use bottom of the barrel shampoo and conditioner, if you're constantly blowing out your hair or straightening it, you're hair is going to reflect that. If you choose to color your hair and you purchase dye from the grocery store.

Your hair is health is going to be next to nothing. You should be buying quality products, which should be a given.

And if you're being proactive about your skincare routine, your makeup brand, the deodorant you use, hair care products should also be included in that as well. Then and only then, can you achieve this level of hair insanity.


34-year-old Alena Kravchenko from Odesa, Urkraine, has been caring for her hair for a very long time.

So long that she's been dubbed as Rapunzel-in-real-life after going viral over her hair, beings that it's 6 feet long after all.


Alena has been growing her gorgeous mane since she was 5 years old. Her mother was the first to encourage her to do so.

“From an early age, my mother instilled a love for long hair,” she divulged to Bored Panda in an interview.


This is a little hard to believe, but she claims to have not of cut her hair in almost 30 years. Even though she is only 5'6", she still has not considered cutting it.

Let's all hope she's trimmed it a few times here and there though, your hair doesn't just get thick on a whim.


“My love for my braid is so strong that for a second in my whole life I did not think about a haircut. I can not see and cannot imagine myself with short hair or dyed in a different color!” She expressed.


First hand experience says, taking care of long hair takes consistency and diligence, but Alena explained that it's not that hard for her and that she absolutely loves her hair.


“It’s not hard for me with my hair, nor the constant care of them, it’s all a joy because this is part of me — my beauty and wealth!” She added.


Called it.

She says the secret to keeping her hair healthy is allowing it to dry naturally and that she does indeed use products to nourish it.


“The main thing that I never do: I don’t dry my hair with a hairdryer, I don’t use curling irons, I don’t comb my wet hair (they dry naturally), it’s all taboo. I wash my hair once a week, use natural masks, various types of oils to nourish my hair; the main care is professional cosmetics. I definitely use dried fruits, nuts, and homemade cottage cheese.”


The biggest tip she has for those who are considering growing their hair out is, “In order to have long and beautiful hair, you just need to really want and love what you do.”

And commenters weighed in...

And commenters weighed in...

Not necessarily, it's not as a big of a chore as one might think.

Not necessarily, it's not as a big of a chore as one might think.

If you're prone to thick hair, long hair is VERY heavy. This doesn't surprise me at all.

If you're prone to thick hair, long hair is VERY heavy. This doesn't surprise me at all.

In the sun I bet it does!

In the sun I bet it does!

HAHA, love what you did there.

HAHA, love what you did there.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The ultimate burn.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The ultimate burn.

You're not wrong.

You're not wrong.