We Rate Dogs Is Still Going Strong, Thank Goodness

Hilarious, wholesome, doggos: the trifecta of greatness.

  • Published in Animals
We Rate Dogs Is Still Going Strong, Thank Goodness

WeRateDogs has been serving the doggo-loving community for some heckin' impressive time now. Over 4 years, to be precise, the Twitter account has been delighting dog fanatics with quality commentary on submitted dog photos.

What started as a simple concept, "DM US YOUR DOGS," and sharing the photo with a quick quip and a pup-tastic rating has grown into something monumental.

They have over 8.6 million followers on Twitter, 1.4 million on Instagram, about half a million on Facebook, and their own website complete with merchandise. Courtesy of the Internet, an adorable and fun concept has turned into something greater. While they receive hundreds of DM's on multiple platforms per day, they can't rate 100% of the doggos who are submitted.

But the ones who are picked for ratings continue to produce some of the most wholesome and amusing content the Internet has to offer dog lovers.

1. Absolutely ICONIC teamwork.

1. Absolutely ICONIC teamwork.dog_rates

2. One of the greatest of all time? Yes.

2. One of the greatest of all time? Yes.dog_rates

3. Ralph is also a meme icon now, thank goodness.

3. Ralph is also a meme icon now, thank goodness.dog_rates

4. She's my personal hero now.

4. She's my personal hero now.dog_rates

5. The good doggo has his own helpful pupper and I'm screaming with delight.

5. The good doggo has his own helpful pupper and I'm screaming with delight.dog_rates

6. Fireman was not being dramatic when he was willing to die to save the pupper! A Heckin' Respect.

6. Fireman was not being dramatic when he was willing to die to save the pupper! A Heckin' Respect.dog_rates

7. A water steppy.

7. A water steppy.dog_rates

8. Thank you, Jessie.

8. Thank you, Jessie.dog_rates

9. How many times so far have you audibly said, "awwww" and made everyone else in the bathroom at work curious?

9. How many times so far have you audibly said, dog_rates

10. Penguin Protector Pups

10. Penguin Protector Pupsdog_rates

11. Narwhal!! We love Narwhal.

11. Narwhal!! We love Narwhal.dog_rates

12. Perfect Panda Pup

12. Perfect Panda Pupdog_rates

13. Is this a Disney Princess?

13. Is this a Disney Princess?dog_rates

14. I guess you could say he's all tuckered out.

14. I guess you could say he's all tuckered out.dog_rates

15. "Please stahp."

15. dog_rates

16. OMG, I love this dog.

16. OMG, I love this dog.dog_rates

17. He will pass it next time, I believe in him.

17. He will pass it next time, I believe in him.dog_rates

18. Smellin' good, lookin' money.

18. Smellin' good, lookin' money.dog_rates

19. Naughty but adorable.

19. Naughty but adorable.dog_rates

20. Rusty is the best.

20. Rusty is the best.dog_rates

21. Very good pupper doggo.

21. Very good pupper doggo.dog_rates

22. Who wouldn't delight in this? Only a monster wouldn't.

22. Who wouldn't delight in this? Only a monster wouldn't.dog_rates


23. BLESS YOUdog_rates

24. What an adorable walrus.

24. What an adorable walrus.dog_rates

25. She's doing her best.

25. She's doing her best.dog_rates

26. I'd let him be the KING.

26. I'd let him be the KING.dog_rates

27. OJ needed that win, good job OJ.

27. OJ needed that win, good job OJ.dog_rates

28. Iconic.

28. Iconic.dog_rates

29. I trust him.

29. I trust him.dog_rates

30. A heckin' honor.

30. A heckin' honor.dog_rates

If you loved We Rate Dogs then you'll definitely love Thoughts of Dog, too.

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