These Two Parents Are Raising A Genderless Baby Because They Can
The kid will decide their own gender when they are ready to.

Parenting is hard. We all know that. Along with the general stresses and guilt of every day trying to support and care for your children, it can be extremely difficult to know if you're doing the right things by them and raising them to be a good person. If you look back on your own life there will be standout points that you can identify as having a profound effect on the person you are today. It's impossible for a parent to know what those moments will be, but you just do your best.
Their best is what these two parents are trying to do, but they're doing it in a not-so-conventional way.
Baby Zo on the left, their parents on the right.

Nathan Levitt and his husband of 15 years both identify as transgender men, and through their own experiences know first hand what the burden of societies necessity for gender stereotypes can do to a person who just isn't sure where they fit in the world.
In a Bloomburg video, Nathan explains
"Boys that are told they can't cry, girls that are told they can't be tough. All of that is damaging."
They are excited for Zo to be able to decide upon their own gender when they have a better sense of self and understanding of life and would love to see more people educate themselves so we can live in a more inclusive world.
"Google something, or pick up a book, or look online and you can find so much information about this community so that people know that they're not alone."
