Rainn Wilson (Dwight From The Office) Changed His Name To "Rainnfall Heat Wave Extreme Winter Wilson" To Bring Attention To Climate Change
"The Arctic is melting at Millions of Liters per second, yet this problem can’t seem to make a name for itself, so we’ll make a name for it."

Recently what was considered unthinkable just a decade ago is now, unfortunately, a reality. According to a report, our planet's stores of ice are undergoing a massive collapse, with sea levels rising due to melting glaciers, which are as of now, already in motion.
The vast ice sheets at the poles will continue to melt for hundreds of years even if the emissions are radically cut, and coastal cities could disappear tomorrow due to rising sea levels and drown underwater. The report adds that the loss of sea ice during summertime from the Arctic could arrive within a decade, and there's nothing we can do to avoid it anymore.
“There’s nothing we can do about that now. We’ve just screwed up and let the system warm too much already,” said Julie Brigham-Grette, a scientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
As an attempt to draw attention to climate change, Rainn Wilson, best known for playing the hilarious role of Dwight Schrute in The Office, made an official name change to ‘Rainnfall Heat Wave Extreme Winter Wilson.’ The internet had a lot of interesting reactions to Wilson's name change; scroll down to check out Wilson's original Tweets and scroll a little further to check out Twitter's reaction to them.
Dwight is back at it again with another plan to save the planet!

“That milestone has now passed so the next thing we need to avoid is ice shelf collapses in Antarctica and the further breakdown of the ice systems in Greenland. We can’t stuff the genie back into the bottle once they are gone,” said Julie Brigham-Grette, a scientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Wilson is trying to draw attention to climate change through this name change.
Wilson is urging world leaders to notice Artic risks and introduce a solution as soon as possible.
Here's how the Twitter community reacted to Wilson's name change:
“Happy Earth Day everyone! I am Recyclops!” -Dwight Schrute
The show never stopped, and this is being recorded too.

He couldn't get rid of Dwight Schrute; that character is way too powerful.

Someone already edited Rainn Wilson's Wikipedia page and included his new name.

Dwight keeps popping out every now and then to remind the world to be friendlier to the planet.

In case you ever wondered how Recyclops came into existence.
"Recyclops will drown you in your overwatered lawns."

He got too into the character and now it's part of his life.

The dark Artic ocean will be opened after the disappearance of sea ice, and instead of reflecting heat, it will absorb it, causing the planet to heat even further. The region's ecosystem will also be affected by the change. Multiple forms of life will cease to exist because they rely on the sea ice for hunting.
Wilson is doing the right thing by trying to bring more attention to this critical issue. The name change is the perfect way to get people's attention and push them to talk about this issue more. If you enjoyed reading this, make sure to check out similar content on our platform.