18 Hilarious But Questionable Animal Tweets That Will Confuse And Amuse You

These animal tweets are hilarious but they will get you scratching your head.

  • Published in Animals
18 Hilarious But Questionable Animal Tweets That Will Confuse And Amuse You

There are so many things that we can’t explain in this world. Just take a look at how sometimes, we humans who are supposed to have the most developed brain on Earth can still make stupid decisions like going back to our narcissistic ex or sending that cringe text to our boss while we’re drunk. 

More than our interactions with other fellow humans though, there are a lot more things that we can’t explain when animals come into the mix. Our relationship with them is not so simple and well, that can result in some pretty weird moments that pose more questions than give answers. 

From cats wearing our shoes to someone playing the saxophone for the cows, life just gets a little bit weirder with animals. And the thing is, we actually love it. 

As weird as it gets sometimes, it’s better than having to stand humans all day every minute. It’s not that we absolutely hate our species but well, human weirdness is just different. 

Thankfully, Twitter has a lot of these weird animal moments captured for our puzzlement and amusement. Trust us, they will make you scratch your head as much as give you a bit of joy. 

1. Parenting books have nothing on the weird relationship between kids and animals

1. Parenting books have nothing on the weird relationship between kids and animalscwilso

2. They wanted to make it extra special for the bees

2. They wanted to make it extra special for the beesmrbruff

3. This is just telling us to never go bayou fishing ever in our lives


4. These cats are just having the very best time of their lives


5. Those goblin feet are just going to give us nightmares for nights on end

5. Those goblin feet are just going to give us nightmares for nights on endDelayniJohnson

6. Real life Ratatouille. Hope his cooking is also worth letting rats into the kitchen.


7. That cat is just waiting for its moment to execute its plan to finally get rid of this human from its life


8. Can we just appreciate how wholesome these parents are?


9. This dog knows how to be independent more than a lot of us humans


10. This is one of the best pet reactions to that prank. Look at that bird go "WHAT?!"


11. This cat can rock those shoes a lot better than most models can

11. This cat can rock those shoes a lot better than most models can judith_ism

12. That pup is born to be a freaking rockstar


13. No matter what you make of him, that cat now owns that spot and no one can tell him otherwise


14. When you've run out of cat names, random things that pop up in your mind is your best bets for inspiration

14. When you've run out of cat names, random things that pop up in your mind is your best bets for inspirationurregomyeggo

15. The satisfying sound of that perfect chomp


16. This cat deserves a medal for showing us the proper way to jump over fences like royalty

17. This is the right way to dress up the pups when heading to the dog park

17. This is the right way to dress up the pups when heading to the dog parkrugged_chungus

18. Why does this cat look a lot more gorgeous than most humans on their best days?

18. Why does this cat look a lot more gorgeous than most humans on their best days?twoscooters

19. That cat is having the best day of its life

We are not sure what all these animals are thinking but you know what? We’re just glad to be part of the audience to the result of these thoughts. 

We’d rather be left a little confused rather than know what they really think of us, honestly. If you want more content like this, check out our website!
